The Sun Sets on the East.

Sep 08, 2008 13:11

For the next 20 odd days its all westside ya'll.
Which means no more junk food cos its a ripoff when you pay with Euros. InterSpar and Tesco guide my hands and lead them not astray.

Im also REALLY gunna miss the enormous variety of odd Energy drinks available in Eastern Europe; Watt, Bomba!, Semtex, Duracell, Burn, Shark, Black Stallion, ++, Big Surprise... i tried em all.

Prague was awesome, my feet are fucked from walking 9 hour days, heels are like hooves n ive got blistered blisters. Managed to pull off exploring the drain that runs from Prague Castle without getting arrested. Only avoided ending up flat on my face on the slippery tunnel floor cos the bastard thing wasnt wide enough to fall sideways in. Scraped elbows. Found a tunnel made entirely of GLAZED CERAMIC! Was fuckin trippy.

Been having the most vivid dreams over the last few nights. My hostel room was most commonly a cacaphony of snorers, couples snogging and talking shit in NZ accents. I slept thru most of it but dreamt like i was at an Imax. Been reading too much sci-fi n not looking at enough porn it would seem and last night i dreamt the most graphic car accident, between a 1979 Ford Fiesta and wall of a grocery store. Woke up feeling ill and realising ive seen too many car accident photos on Space Ghetto. The snorers were mid concerto, mixing it up like the illest Acapella quartet ever.

Stuck in Vienna for 7 hours, then a sleeper train to Rome tonight. From what ive heard, first hand accounts no less, theft is pretty common on sleeper trains. If they want my wallet n passport their gunna have to fondle my balls to get them.
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