netwind's relating of an effort by Russian drain explorers to i dunno... 'rescue', or maybe just 'pet' a
small crocodile (hold on a minute i still havent confirmed if these pics are even REAL yet) from a Moscow drain, i was reminded of Teddy May, New York Cities most famous sewer worker. I first heard bout ole Teddy cos Kaos had thought of naming an awards night for UEA 'The Teddy May Awards'. May was a rough little fella, barely 5ft tall, with a gruff disposition. But he knew every square mile of NYC's sewer system and nothing got past him over the years including dumped bodies, weapons, corrupt construction sites and sewergators.
Ugly little bugger eh?
Then theres the famous London Flushers, who have, over the years kept the tunnels beneath Her Majesties City free of huge fatty deposits and shonky workmanship.
Down the fleet (im sure i remember nearly falling on my arse at the spot where this photo was taken...)
Im not sure where this one is, i think Jd or Stoop could tell me tho...
There are photos of the sewer/drain workers that are employed by Sydney Water, but not online.
I was browsing the Uk import magazines at the Airport the other day when i noticed within the buxom (so many nice big natural boobies!) pages of 'Loaded' Magazine an article about surfing (or rather dinghying) through the River Tyburn and Westbourne tunnels under London. Turns out Zero took the avid journos down and showed em around. In true lads mag fashion they made a fiasco of the whole thing, albeit an entertaining one. I dont have a scan of that article, but do have one of a similar article from last months FHM, that
happyhappycurly and
ambercharlotte organised. It caused a bit of a stir within the Sydney Cave Clan ranks as theres been a media ban going since 2003 (after i was quoted about all the mad upskirts i saw from the grille of the Big Day Out Drain ;P), but as the ban only forbade media articles regarding CC, it eventually blew over and in my opinion is a very entertaining, though typically FHM-ish peice of writing, with also typically goonball photos. Pics from Fortress.
Apologies for torn edges, i wasnt gunna get out of my work with the entire magazine, as Keeley Hazel was on the cover...
And finally, a scene from the film noir that is 'Brick'.