apperntly stupid people confuse IT

Jun 25, 2008 16:33

i came back from lunch and the person maning the desk said outlook was having issues, and that IT would be coming up to fix it, as they could not figure out what was wrong over the phone.
the problem was that everytime she opened the calendar it was saying feb 1 2000, and that is not todays date. i asked the basic 'have you restarted outlokk, and the computer?' (i had not really listened to the problem, but as this computer seems to need to have programs and/or the computer restarted to be able to do anything . . . ). then she says, that after she called the IT guys she found out the cate on the computer was wrong. i almost made my lip bleed trying to not laugh. after she left i called the IT guys, told them not to come up she had somehow changed the date in the computer, and it was therefore telling outlook it was feb 1 2000, but i fixed it, and we had a laugh about the simplicity of the problem.
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