its friday!!

Oct 07, 2005 14:49

yessss its friday lol..idk if this whole getting to see melia thing is going to work though! cuz no one else can hang out and i cant exactly say that im hanging out with yeah...:(..lizith is like obsessed with the song My Humps by Black Eyed Peas..its first the song was annoying..i guess its okay now..I just got out of was fun! for once! lol we got to play with the little buzzer thingys( do you spell thingys???) and it was funny cuz kelly and alisha beary kept hitting it just for fun and getting points taken was great..anyways..kelly's birthday party is tomorrow..its gonna be fun..and if its not..we're gonna make it fun! austin told kelly he got arrested last night for "attempted vandalism" but i found out from Richelle today that she was with him last night doing the t'pying (no i dont know how to spell that either! lol)houses and the cops were just like "its homecoming so its okay" and they let them get pictures with them and stuff! so i was like um okay? he totally lied to her! lol she kinda knew it anyways so..yeah..audrey is on her and lizith just found like the coolest word ever! BIBBLESNUFFLE! isnt that the coolest word ever?? lol i think it is..i had an energy drink this morning..and im really hyper right now if you cant tell:) Kelly is going to Moravia homecoming she should have fun:P..or maybe she'll break austin's face for lying to her? idk? lol..either way it would be fun! Richard called me last night...and asked me out basically...i said no of course..i think he would just be a totally cool guy to just be friends with and hang out with..not to date or anything like that...then he asked me that if he leaned in to kiss me, would i kiss back? and i said kept asking was bad lol...hopefully he doesnt bring it up again though..that would bored..i gotta go..
quote of the day:
Kelly:I got finger happy!!
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