
Nov 16, 2009 16:18

Weekend in Bullets:

    * Naked men who lost their togas. Lots of them. At Fado's.
    * Son Volt. Antones. Tequila. Dancing. <3
    * Plowing. Planting. Shooing. Drunken midnight shopping at the market.
    * Having wine with the neighbors, who were showing off their very big tools.
    * Remembering that I can watch television shows on the Internet anytime I want. Cool.

And also becoming a certified Reiki Master, 9th Generation Usui.

The Reiki class was awesome. Enlightening. Intense. Healing. It was a 3-day intensive training. Towards the end of the 3rd day, we were attuned to Master level, and during a guided meditation I met my guide from the other side and we crossed the veil together. During the first meditation my Reiki Spirit Master kept changing form and the second day it was nothing but colors, mostly purple and green. On the 3rd day it was Bruce Lee. (!) Many masters came to greet me, give me my name - Sensei Tracy, and a gift of a golden lamp. I had to look "Sensei" up on Wikipedia. I vaguely remembered it being some kind of Karate thing, but turns out it fits very nicely!

"Sensei (先生?) is a Japanese title used to refer to or address teachers, professors, professionals such as lawyers and doctors, politicians, clergymen, and other figures of authority. The word is also used to show respect to someone who has achieved a certain level of mastery in an art form or some other skill... Sensei is also one of the common Japanese martial arts titles."

Pretty fitting considering my Reiki Master teacher is also a long-time martial arts Sifu. :)

Anyway, it would take all day to write about all of the experiences I had during the whole certification process. Suffice it to say it was profoundly rewarding and I am looking forward to incorporating it into my daily life. I've had some really positive feedback on the treatments I've given already, but I'm looking forward to practicing a lot more.

bullets, reiki

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