Nov 08, 2003 01:16
just got home from work. chilling before I start cleaning the house for when my new boi comes over sunday or tomorrow night. lol I was thinking of asking him if he wanted to go camping yeah .. last night we were going to hang out for 30 minutes or so and oops it turned into hours.. lol he is a doll. i will get pics of us when we go to the Devil's Millhopper. and post them on my site Jason's place was still decked out for halloween. totally cool.
it has been a long time since I have done the dating thing and I don't want to make another frank mistake.. lol
ok let me give you some background.
ok he and I talked on the net last night for about 2 hours bout poetry and and life and he wanted to meet. nothing personal but to be friends. so we met at my Job where my friend Kelly was working that way I would be covered. I didn't see a pic of him so I didn't know what he looked like but he saw my web page. lol yeah. so we went to his house and talked about more stuff. he shared his poetry with me. and I brought mine to him.. ok so then came midnight and he was stumbling over words. he asked me what I was feeling as we bonded mentaly and physically. I was liek yes I agree. he was still stumbling over words so I told him I was going to the bathroom he could collect his thoughts and I would be right out so when I got out he was still looking for how to ask me. it was so cute. but I didn't let on. he is bashfull like me.. so I blurt out .. "do you want to give me a back massage?" he said that was what he wanted to ask me.. was so cool I only asid it cause I really wanted one
cerrunnosgirl: heh. psychic moment lol so he was amazed. we went in his room turned out the lights and he massaged my back then he leaned down and asked me if he could kiss my skin. I was like sure and then he asked if he could kiss me.. everything flowed so well. it was like he and I were bonding more than we realise. on a energy level more than anything. I know he physically wanted to have sex.. cause I wanted to.. but I didn't, and still dont want to rush anything. like last night was fast.. but it felt right. then we just layed there with our chests touching and cuddled talking. he is so respectful.. I don't know but I know I have to be with him on a intuitive level.... odd. so connected. and all I think about is him. lol and he is coming to my work to see me for a few minutes tomorrow ahh cool.. see he isn't ready for serious commitment yet, neither am I .. but we both admitt there is something there between us to explore. see he doesn't like humans mush. he likes being alone and all that .. he said that I am the first human that he has liked for a long time. as in many years so I didn't know how to take it. but I am surely in no rush anymore.. like I told him I like to have my life seperate from an "our" life,,, so everything with him is kissment. like magic