Jul 14, 2004 19:42
Stay out late or Sleep in: Well, if I'm staying out you can bet I'll be sleeping in (hehe)
Orange juice or Tomato Juice: OJ
Flip flops or Fancy Heels: Fancy heels.
Snickers Bar or Protein Pack: Neither. Both please
Hit the Mall or Hit the Beach: Mall (if I have money) otherwise it's the beach for me!
Jet ski or Downhill ski: Jet ski, all the way!
Magazine or Literary Classic: Magazines.
The Price is Right or Wheel of Fortune: Neither.
Big Talker or Big Listener: Talker.
Mild Child or Wild Child: Wild Child
Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise: Neither.
Computer Savvy or Not Plugged In: Not plugged in
Bargain Seeker or Impulse Buyer: Both.
On the Court or On the Side: Side.
Make a Meal or Make a Reservation: Both
Glamour Girl or In the Jean: Jeans. Me a glamour girl? LOL I doubt that. I'm a casual jeans (prefer shorts type of gal)