May 03, 2005 01:06
In Psychology class, our teacher was talking about that pain is the biggest reinforcement kinda thing out there. It will make us do anything almost instantly. couldn't be anything farther from the truth. The one thing... that is everything, that overrides any pain, and that makes us do amazing things... is love.
Just think about it. You can't test that, change it's enviroment, suclude it somewhere alone, or even put a scientific name to it. You can't touch it, see it with a microscope, nor break it. Love is god.
Love is. It just is and nothing you can say can make it go away, because it is the point of why we are here, it's the highest point and once you are up there, looking down on everyone else... you are there forever.
Love is over everything. It makes us forget pain and even overlook it. Love is what connects ALL of us to one other. I mean... God created us out of love right? So that is what he had made us for... to keep the love going but we all just get so wrapped up in science and ourseleves that we don't see the big picture.
I know there are people who search for the meaning of life. I strongly believe the meaning of ANYTHING of love. It's why we do anything in our daily lives. It's what controls us. Love is our god.
I know a few weeks ago, I couldn't figure out why artists cried when they were presented with certain pieces of art. Then it hit me, I finally understand why. Love. The passion.
I'm writing my own TV show and yes, I read it, but I just read it, looking for errors or any additions or something I need to do. But... I really READ what it was I was writing... and honestly.. it brought me to tears the love I had created within my characters, Lindsay and Kelly, just within the first 25 minutes of the show.
I had always said writing is my passion...but I never really felt that passion until tonight... I feel it in my heart... it's very overwhelming.
Love connets us. Love is us.
Wheather you are black, white, gay, straight, bisexual, male, female, republican or democrat... we are all ruled under the same aspect... love.
Have you ever really sat and thought about it?