Something absolutely horrific has happened, and I'm just not going to deal with it right now. Do you ever have those things that happen, and they're so draining that the thought of talking about them makes you dizzy? It's not that it's a secret or something devious; it's merely the effort required to express what happened, and all the consoling that comes along with it is tiresome. I know the consolation is well-meaning, but sometimes you just want to shrug something off your shoulders, and move on with your life. That's how I feel right now. So I will move on to topics of a more pleasing nature.
First things first, I have signed up for a once-a-week sign language class, starting in October, which I am very excited about.
Other Liz (redhead on far right) has been teaching me a few things here and there. She works with developmentally-disabled children, and since some of them have communication disorders, sign language can definitely come in handy. The thing is now I want to learn more. I'm not quite sure why, but I really want to! So now, on Tuesday nights after work and before trivia, I'll be taking a one hour class. It's not a lot, but it's a place to start to learn the basics. I'm excited. I'm actually practicing some here at my desk, with some online help. I must look so incredibly weird. (Yes, it's a slow Thursday.)
I have officially been without cable television and internet at home since July 7th. Surprisingly, it hasn't bothered me. I rarely watch television, unless it's a movie, or I'm watching something at a friend's house. The lack of internet at home is only an inconvenience if I'm waiting for a reply to something important. Instead I go to work. I use the internet on here if I'm not too busy. I go home. I nap. I call my friends. I go out, or I stay home and watch a movie. It's nice, though. It's nice to feel like I've finally struck the balance I was looking for. Granted, when LOST gets back, it'll be on like Donkey Kong.
One of the major things I'm going to do this weekend is finally get on the shopping train. I've been meaning to do it for weeks, but I decided to be responsible and take care of my bills first, instead of putting things off. Now that I've reached the financial equalibrium I was desperately seeking, following the move, I'm going to do some serious house cleaning/life re-vamping. Shoes, clothes, furniture, make-up, etc... I'm even buying a hair straightener. I also need cheap sunglasses. I'm a fan of the selection Food Lion has for sunglasses. I know. I'm classy. I'm so classy that I'm klassie. What can I say? I lose and break sunglasses like it's my job. I know my limitations. Also, since I don't live in South Florida anymore, I need to look into footwear that is NOT of the flip-flop variety, no matter how fancy they may seem.
Last night was a lot of fun. Our little group has a love/hate relationship with Goodfellow's for karaoke on Wednesday nights. Sometimes it's the most fun you'll have all week. Other times, you're drowning and trying to claw your way to the exit with all of your might. Last night, thankfully, was the former. It started off quiet, and then some really great people showed up. Great singing. Great conversation. Surprisingly not as many undergrads there, which is always a plus. It was a fabulous time. Oh, and for once a glass of water was spilled at the table, and I was not the one who knocked it over. For those of you who know me well, know how amazing that is.
Must also remember that I need to get a day planner desperately. Now that I have schedules that I actually have to keep, for work and otherwise, I need to start keeping things written down. Appointments, events, class, etc.
I'm drinking regular Coke right now, due to lack of options. I don't know how people do it. It's sickeningly sweet. Disgusting.
Now, since I was tagged by
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.
(1) I have to clean myself in a particular order in the shower. If I deviate, I get really agitated, but I go on with my shower. A little bit of OCD shining through, like a beacon in the night.
(2) I only eat the stems of broccoli.
(3) One of my ears is lower than the other, so I have to have glasses specially fitted to my face.
(4) I freakin' love lima beans. I don't know how people dislike them! They're so inoffensive. Now olives are some nasty bastards, with that foul taste. Limas are just squishy and happy.
(5) I kiss my hand and touch the ceiling of my car whenever I run a yellow light.
(6) When I was growing up, I apparently exhibited signs of autism, even though I am definitely not autistic.
(7) My favorite bras come from Wal*Mart. Not even kidding. I have dropped bank on Victoria's Secret, Fredrick's, etc... and they still have the best. I don't know what the secret is, but my boobies are happy.
I tag:
starla, and