Nov 22, 2012 00:57
I spent the last 2 nights watching a special on PBS covering the dust bowls of the 1930s and how bad things were in the great depression. By 1934 and 1935 many farmers from Texas to Alberta fled to California looking for work. Here in the States we call them the "Okies". They lost their jobs, homes, marriages, and most of all their hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Their children alive today say their personalities and confidence was never the same and the change scarred them permanently. It was heartbreaking and it reminded me of stories my grandparents told me in the 1930s and 1940s.
A realization then hit me oddly. I identified 100% with these people.
When the current "Great Recession" started I told Anne this was going to be bad. She just laughed and rolled her eyes thinking ... oh that crazy Tim and his theories again trying to be a pessemist sigh ... But in reality I knew California would come to a crushing blow when the mortgages would reset circa 2007. Tell me mathematically how only 8% of people are living in the median price of a home?? Something has to give as when the bills come due they will default. Duh.
I bet correct. We obsessed over moving to Texas before it got bad. Texas was cheap! Texas had jobs! But as life goes we ended up in Alaska a few years later when shit really hit the fan!
Is the Great Recession a depression? I know at least 4 people on my friendslist (do not worry I wont name you) who lost great jobs, got degrees, and lost everything they had! People are scared or know someone who is scared who are reading this?
I am one of these people.
I lost my confidence which was a major contributor to my divorce. I lost my car. I lost my home. I lost any hope of an I.T. job again. I came to Florida with just 2 suitcases.
One of the quotes from the "okies", was he never go broke overnight. You cut back a little, then use some savings, then start selling a few things, working odd jobs, before you lose it all and then focus on starvation.
I gained part of my confidence back and I am going somewhere now. It is not where I intended to go, but I do not care. I called my ex last week for some documents and she was surprised with this turn around attitude. I told her I want to do something and this might be an exciting career opportunity. I did not get into this overnight and it will take a few years to get out using the same logic.
I do feel part of me is lost. Will it come back? Who knows. I like to think I can go for a masters degree while I teach, but it is so irresponsible to whine about things in this day and age when people on my own friendslist are selling furniture to pay rent!
When you are down at the bottom of a lader there is only one place to look and that is up! You can quote me on that as it is one of my favorite sayings.
Giving up my small business
My internet site is not going to work without investors and a critical mass first. Who am I kidding? :-(
I need a 2nd job too. I applied for some holiday jobs and will apply some more if any are left. I may still get weeded out of the teaching program too and need an emergency backup. I want to spend more time at work because I want to save and go back to Alaska or perhaps save for a home here? Who knows. Many okies who could not get farm loans worked for starvation wages in orange groves in the inland empire. They were thrilled to do it too! It is time to gain perspective where I am at instead of ignoring it.
great depression,