Jan 08, 2012 11:28
I wonder why people say the things they say, about people they don't know at all. Like I can see you knowing how a person is based on them being a person that shares everything about themselves on 4 different social sites, and are blatantly a certain way. But saying that a person is conceited and you have no proof or merit to what your saying, just sounds like you really can't think of anything else to say, like your trying too hard to find something wrong with someone you don't want to like. If you were really that way, I'm sure you'd find that out from people who actually really knew something about you instead of girls who like to say silly things for no reason because of their insecurities. I'm a strong woman, and I say how I feel, and I'm real without being petty or an a-hole, what's so hard about that? At the same time you have to look at the fact that these girls are fresh out of high school, and years younger than you are and that sort of explains it all...sort of.