the end

Jan 03, 2007 02:47

Dear Sinikiwe,

I know it's been a while since we've talked, and I just figured I'd write you an email since that's probably the only way you would listen to what I have to say. I still love you, of course I do, after all we've been through, there would have to be something wrong with me if I didn't. That being said, I honestly don't expect us to ever have a relationship like we did before. I never say never, but I just get that feeling. I would like us to be friends though. You know more about me than any other person that's not related to me. You know how to make me laugh, and cry, and you also know how to make me super ultra want-to-kill-people pissed off. Hey, it happens. I just want us to have a civil relationship. I had no idea being blocked on instant messenger would make me so infuriated, lol. I know that there's a lot of bad blood between us, but we realized that it wasn't going to work, so maybe we can just leave it at that. I miss talking to you, and falling asleep on the phone, and all that good stuff. Hate me if you want, I just want you to know where I stand. It's true I probably won't change, and you won't either. I just think that a person needs as many friends as they can get in this world, and I know we could be friends. If you never want to see or talk to me again, that's fine, I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you've done for me, and how happy you have made me for these past two years. Talk to you soon I hope.
Sincerely Yours,

Michael A. Joseph III

What do u mean by super ultra want to kill people pissed of...?
Anyways being your friend is easier said then done. I am still
extremely hurt and upset and i want to get over it but somehow i just
havent yet. I wish you could change because forever all I wanted was
to be with you again. who knows maybe will find our way back to each
other some day.I know that you taught me a lot about myself and a lot
about love and i thank you for that.I wish things hadnt ended the way
they did I want to be your friend i just need time to get there.I dont
want to hate you its just the way it is right now my heart is still
broken and it hasnt had time to mend. I know seeing you and not being
able to be close to you would just hurt too much.I am glad I know you
and I am sorry if I broke your heart I dont think i will ever stop
loving you I just hope that I can stop hurting
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