1. yesterday in my Family Relations class, the prof was talking about the Triangle Model of love w/ Intimacy, Passion, and Commitment on the vertexies. (yes, i know that's not spelled right). But when he was explaining the definition of "Intimate" he said people open up to each other and he kept doing this motion as if he were openning a coat or something and for some reason, my mind went to this anime image of opening one's cheast, like one would a robot, and these tenticles coming out and tickling around within another person's tenticles that came out of their chest that they opened. Is that fucked up or what!?
2. had my Jr. Yr review w/ Martin yesterday. Found out that i'm pretty well set for still graduating in 3 years if i want to, but i can also spread things out and do other classes if i want to do the 3.5 year thing if it comes down to it, dunno yet. but found out that 2 of the required classes for the Applied Social Research track, Field Research Methods and Computers in Sociology are only taught at the Masters and Doctorate levels! So i've gotta get an override next fall to take these two Masters courses, either with a class, or private instruction. But I was almost complimented by the fact that the Research track is "only for our stronger students" and that Martin thought I wouldn't have any problems fitting in with the grad students.
3. Went to the Internship workshop thing, even though I won't have to do one until Summer '08, but it's nice to start thinking bout these things now. It sounds like alot of (scary!) work. Researching places that will take you on, locations, areas of the population you're interested in, readings, writings, etc. Also, not sure yet if Grad School is going to be in the picture, so not sure if i get offered a job at the place i intern, that i'll be in a position to take it. But also dunno if i'll like it or even if they'll offer me one. Plan for the moment = take the GRE's next fall, so that if i want to go to grad school, i'll have them, then look for internships in places that might have possible places i want to go to grad school, so that i can either keep my job or go to school in the place i want to live. ^_^ I hope these plans work out, cause if they don't, i'm gonna get very frazzled.
4. Went walking last night. It was really nice out, so i figured out how to get Kami to take longer exposures and got some really pretty night shots of the Oak Grove and the Clark Fountain. Started raining, and that was alright for a bit, till the wind picked up and it started to sting, so wandered back to Lawrence and was talkin' to caleb for a good while. i like conversations that just kinda flow and arent necessarily restricted to one specific topic.
The Keith Walk
The Oak Grove with nobody in it b/c it had been storming all day.
More Grove, but w/ changing leaf colours
The Clark Fountain
5. Lindsey kept me up until 4-freakin'-a.m. b/c she was watching "NCIS" and i watched about 2 whole episodes w/ her before i rolled over and actually had to work at ignoring it. It's kinda funny. but it also meant that i only got 5 hrs of sleep last night.
6. I didn't want to get up for class today, but i knew i had to, cause i'd missed for a while, they thought i may've dropped the class. read a Kafka story. was 1/2 falling asleep.
7. English was wonderful, as usual, but i didn't participate as much as usual b/c i was 1/2 asleep and also, i'd forgotten to read the papers before class, so i was cramming them in the few minutes 'fore we started. I don't think this one girl likes me too much since last class and our disagreement about the multiple theses. all i said today was that the thesis could be made stronger with a few words from a later sentance and she sniped back that it was fine the simple way it was. (also keep in mind, that this is the first of all the papers that we all agreed actually HAD a clear thesis!)
8. Now it's lunchtime and i'm in the HUB computer lounge and my body is twitching cause it wants sleep and i can't give it sleep cause i won't wake up in time for my next class and possibly even choir, which we've got rehersal at the church on...i think it's either 6th or 7th street...i'm not completely sure. we've also got an evening rehersal tomorrow from 7.30-9.30 (which people are not happy about) doesn't bug me at all, except that i can't go to the Taekwondo Family class.
9. Homecoming is on saturday. soc club is handing out card-thingies at the parade, but i dont' think i'm gonna go, cause they're gonna start at 9.30 or so, parade starts at 10, goes till i don't know when, and TKD class starts at 11.30 and i want to sleep as much as possible before that, b/c i know that afterwards, i'm gonna be really energetic. There's also a homecoming choir concert at 8 p.m. Hopefully, he'll tell us where we need to be and when. I still need to hem my POS choir gown.
10. For Homecoming, Lindsey and I need to go out and buy hot chocolate and other such delicious and yummy snacky foods/drinks so that we can hide out in the room and be warm and safe while others are outside beind drunk and stupid.