I never get to use this icon, okay. [Grid info]

Oct 24, 2011 23:07

Right, so. Flynn made a Grid, which, for people with better things to do with their time than watch Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxlietner glow in the dark (though I can't imagine what) is a VR computer world.

He locked some people out--for example, Abraxas, SHODAN, and AM--but I am too lazy to make a list of every last troublemaker, so if you think there's a good chance Flynn'd be able to find out your character's both a griefer and someone who could potentially screw up the Grid, assume they're locked out, too.

It's more or less like Legacy (YES I KNOW THAT'S AN EVOLUTION SCREENSHOT SHUT UP), only smaller and more Zen. Time passes at a 1:1 with the outside, you can't take anything off the Grid you didn't come on with, you can't die, and you can always get back off with your wearable.

AIs/robots/similar will come through as programs with blue-white circuits. Sucks to be them. Organics will come through as Users with white circuits, and they have ~User power~, which is ill-defined and basically you can screw with things by diverting energy flows and so forth. And I have no idea what a Transformer would be. Tron science is magic. JAYDE HALP.
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