glubbin coolkids; CLOSED // IN PROGRESS

Feb 01, 2011 12:48

who ; timeturntable, featheryasshole, heterochromiia, and cuttlefishcull. Possibly puppetfetishist at sporadic intervals?
what ; The trolls have received an invite to Casa del Strider, for protection and hellaciousness.
where ; Casa del Strider
when ; Just after this thread.
warning(s) ; None so far, except for incessant cursing.

its a goddamn party at chez strider and wow looks like you got the last seats )

davesprite, dave strider, sollux captor, feferi peixes

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featheryasshole February 1 2011, 21:02:35 UTC
Davesprite had no problem with the trolls coming over; he would have probably invited them anyway if Dave hadn't done it first. Now he was floating around the kitchen, lost in thought.

Had Feferi and Sollux really gone home, only to get dragged back to the station? What if Fef was right about the station being an afterlife of sorts? There were far too many questions and no answers in sight.

Well, maybe he'd discuss it with Feferi if she still wanted to have that talk he'd promised.


heterochromiia February 1 2011, 21:20:39 UTC
They'd barely been able to sleep.

Sollux should have expected that. After the things that had happened neither of them seemed to want to do more than hold on to each other. He'd been terrified that he would wake up and find Feferi gone.

After a while he'd stopped trying to sleep, and then Dave had made him that offer. Well. Okay then. That worked. He wasn't sure if they'd left enough of a trail for Eridan to follow, even if he'd been as careful as he could when he wasn't that collected, so it was better to find another hideout to lie low in for the moment, wasn't it?

Besides. Dave reminded him a little of Karkat, and with his best friend gone he needed someone to bro with after all of this had happened.

So here they were at Casa del Strider, and here he was knocking on the door, looking around anxiously as he waited for one of said Striders to open it.


cuttlefishcull February 1 2011, 21:32:02 UTC
Feferi peered at the door, this was her second visit to the notable Strider residence and she was already feeling a little better about things. There was something about the Striders that was distractingly amusing, or at least distracting. Just being at their step reminded her more of that silly, creepy puppet and human Christmas rather than her swim suit stiffening with blood or the look in Eridan's eyes before it was all over.

She stayed pretty close to Sollux, and probably would for a while. "Terezi will be ok, right?"


puppetfetishist February 1 2011, 21:54:34 UTC
Bro was on the roof, his usual hideout. For once, his glasses were off of his face - mostly because there was no one around to see it - and he was holding the bridge of his nose, breathing slowly.

It's cool. I got this. It's cool.

He really shouldn't do this to himself. They weren't his kid. Kids. Whatever. They were some weird alien douches from another session and fuck if he was gonna be father to all of them. Bad enough having to take care of one kid. Bad enough having to be guardian to four.

But he couldn't help it. Aloof ironic douchenozzle though he made himself out to be, he cared. And caring meant that when they started murdering each other it tore him up inside.

He breathed, and then a few minutes later the coolkid persona was back. Glasses back on his face, everything was totally motherfuckin chill around here. This shit was fuckin Quebec in January levels of absolute chill is what it was.

He was already opening the door by the second knock.

"Sup," he said.


timeturntable February 2 2011, 01:01:37 UTC
Dave peered back through the apartment, taking just enough time to notice the Bro-blur heading to the door before resuming his earlier job. They'd gotten all the buckets, that much was for sure, but those puppets, man. Those puppets were fucking everywhere.

Satisfied for the moment that he'd gotten most of the ones in plain sight, Dave slammed the door shut, mashing it in until he heard the handle click. There. Hopefully, nobody would try and get this thing open. Ever.

Now, all that was left was to greet their visitors. Ambling back out into the main room, suit on and everything, Dave raised a single hand in greeting.



is out of order ok?? :X cuttlefishcull February 2 2011, 06:27:15 UTC
Feferi smiles when she catches sight of the Striders. "Hi!" Wow still a bit shaky, she shakes her head. "Wait that wasn't very cool, I mean- hey." She tries to sound nonchalant coolkid hey. At least she is trying to joke under these circumstances.

Of course she doesn't make a move until Sollux does, one hand holding the side of his shirt loosely.


aaaa sorry for my lateness X| featheryasshole February 2 2011, 08:53:54 UTC
The sound of the door opening startled Davesprite out of his contemplation. He floated into the main room. It seemed strangely empty without a ton of puppet ass lying around. Not that he minded.

He nodded a silent greeting to the trolls, taking note of Feferi's shakiness.


heterochromiia February 2 2011, 13:44:49 UTC
Sollux kept his arm tightly around Feferi's waist as he stepped in, nodding a little to Bro, and then to the Daves when they arrived. Not that he didn't trust them (as much as he could trust humans), but he didn't want to let her go under these circumstances. He was too scared he'd lose her again.

"Uh. Hey. Thup." He raised a hand in awkward greeting. What else were you supposed to say under these circumstances? Gee, thanks for sheltering a couple of young trolls from a murdering genocidal hipster douche? Whatever.


HEY SO want to split off and post separate threads in this log for dual interaction ie dave+sollux? timeturntable February 3 2011, 02:14:18 UTC
Successfully resisting the urge to give the others shit, Dave nodded at the aquatic troll. "Nice catch."

...fuck, he'd already slipped into the fish puns. Mentally berating himself (come on, that can't have counted, it wasn't even intentional), he gave Feferi a thumbs up before turning to Sollux. "Namuch. Chilling, same as usual."

This was already incredibly awkward.


i'd be cool with that? featheryasshole February 3 2011, 02:49:25 UTC
Davesprite shot Dave a disapproving glance. He was doing fish puns? Really?

However, he didn't waste much time on that before turning his attention back to the trolls. "Uh, do you guys need any special arrangements for sleeping? I think I remember Vriska talking about slime or something."

Please don't say you want to sleep in a bathtub full of jello. That was just Vriska being her crazy drunk self, right?


sweet, i'll just say this is the branching off point heterochromiia February 3 2011, 04:07:54 UTC
"We already brought our recuperacoonth. Ath long ath there'th thpathe we thould be able to bring them outta our thylladectheth." Sollux shrugged, then shot Davesprite a Look. The Coolbro Time Is Required Look. (TM.)

"Uh, FF, why don't you make thure everything lookth okay in our room or whatever it ith? I don't really care, but you...I'll jutht, uh, talk over thome thtuff with Dave. You can call me if you need me, I'll be right here."

Gently he dislodged himself from her, and immediately felt paranoia that something would happen to her kick in. He ignored it and headed into the kitchen.


want to do a thread Aave? :> cuttlefishcull February 3 2011, 04:41:56 UTC
Feferi laughs, aw yeah Dave that was a pun! They are hooking you good! "Hehe, thanks! You netted one yourself!" Fish puns are truly the best medicine. Until Sollux is going to leave and smile falters a little.

"Ok! Have a very cool talk!" She says, watching him head to the kitchen before awkwardly remembering she was just kind of standing there. Awkwardly. In a cool house, this was unacceptable guest behavior.

"Um, right! Hey this isn't too much trouble, is it?" Feferi looks over at Davesprite, tilting her head. "It wouldn't be very civil if it was- hey, do you guys like fish? I can totally catch some!" Ramble, ramble, at least she was trying to pull her own weight around here?


i sure do! C: featheryasshole February 3 2011, 12:27:40 UTC
"Nah, it's fine. We've got enough room here and it'd be pretty damn uncivil of us to just leave you guys hanging." A ghost of a smile appeared on his face at Feferi's offer. "Fef, we're like the richest people on the station. We don't really need to have our guests get us food."

He opened the door to what was usually Dave's room. "Come on, let's see if you can fit your stuff in here." While it wasn't voiced, the offer of a chance to talk in private was present too.


:D! cuttlefishcull February 3 2011, 13:31:30 UTC
"Royalty has to be civil, that's true!" Like the ruling family of Radicalland. She grins a little when he rejects her offer. "Look who is rolling in the boonbucks! Hehe, I really don't mind though, I go to the ocean a lot anyway. The fish are so slow here and most of them don't even try to eat me! It's kind of boring actually."

She follows and walks into the room, glancing around. Seeing as Sollux's recuperacoon was more upright it probably took up a bit less floor space than a normal bed. "This will be great! Sollux's recuperacoon will fit no problem." Not so sure about hers as well but hey, they could share. At the moment that's what she preferred anyway.

Feferi fidgets a bit, stopping her hand from going up to her chest. She kept wanted to check that there wasn't a hole there, it was pretty stupid in her eyes. She glances back at Dave, filling up the awkward quota.

"Could-" She pauses, frowning. "If you are- you know, if Jack did do it, would you be happy living here you think?"


featheryasshole February 3 2011, 14:09:17 UTC
Oh, wow. Starting with the heavy stuff right off the bat, were they? Davesprite took a deep breath and closed his eyes before answering.

"I don't know. I mean, the place is kind of cool so I guess I'd be okay with living here. But..."

He hesitated. This wasn't really the time to talk about his personal issues. He was here to comfort Feferi, not the other way around.

"But it might take some time to get used to the idea," he finished lamely.


cuttlefishcull February 3 2011, 14:33:40 UTC
Moderation and taking it slow were not words in Feferi's frequent vocabulary. She watches him, taking a seat on whatever available surface there was to do so.

"It's kind of hard to say when we don't know exactly where we'd be otherwise." Feferi responds, playing with one of her bracelets. "I mean, I think I know where I'd be if I weren't here, I don't know about you though. You or your brother."


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