glubbin coolkids; CLOSED // IN PROGRESS

Feb 01, 2011 12:48

who ; timeturntable, featheryasshole, heterochromiia, and cuttlefishcull. Possibly puppetfetishist at sporadic intervals?
what ; The trolls have received an invite to Casa del Strider, for protection and hellaciousness.
where ; Casa del Strider
when ; Just after this thread.
warning(s) ; None so far, except for incessant cursing.

To be quite honest, Dave had no idea what the hell was going on.

One moment, he'd been sitting there, browsing the network and contemplating the greater mysteries in life (such as how did he get so cool, aside from winning the genetic lottery, of course), and the next he was talking to a troll who should be dead and a guy with a lisp and problems of his own. And he's fine with that, but inviting them to his place?

Really, he had no idea what the hell he had been thinking.

Still, an invitation was an invitation - and, if Dave wanted to be perfectly honest with himself (so lame), he didn't regret it. There were bigger problems to worry about then keeping that perfect cool air about him right now, such as psychotic hipster murderers on the loose, weird timeline fluctuations (he'd have to figure out more about that later), and of all things making sure no puppet asses were still dangling around.

Thank god Bro had mentioned the buckets.

davesprite, dave strider, sollux captor, feferi peixes

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