To the Shepcave! [Open]

Jan 26, 2011 10:06

who ; Commander Jane Shepard, Commander Jamison Shepard
what ; Jamison's been invited to join the Normandy crew, so she's braving the horrors of the Shepcave to do so.
where ; The Normandy House
when ; Just before SPEHSS PROM
warning(s) ; None so far

From afar, the house that belonged to the Normandy crew looked deceptively normal. Although she didn't know what she'd been expecting, honestly: a house covered in Turian insignias and festooned with mock-up batarian corpses? Or cyborgs and crazily peppy cat burglars on the roof?

Jamison lifted her head from the scope of her sniper rifle and collapsed it, stowing it away before she crawled out of one of the many sniper's nests she'd set up around Kurzweil and descended to the streets, threading through the alleys and avenues toward the back entrance Shepard- the other Shepard- God, this was confusing- had mentioned. At the doorway, she pushed it open softly and took the stairs, noting each disarmed bomb she passed. This other Shepard evidently believed in better safe than sorry.

At the door to the interior rooms, she paused, then knocked. Best not to piss off the owner of the house, even if they were yourself.

commander jamison shepard | (au), zaeed massani, garrus vakarian, commander jane shepard | (au)

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