who ; Joker + Thane / Parker / Sollux / anyone else who'd be in the normandy house or possibly outside the windows and attracting attention
what ; Joker proceeds to either chill with or meet a half-dozen people in or near the Normandy House.
where ; ....The Normandy House (sensing a theme? ♥)
when ; Let's just say this is Friday, it works best with everything else going on right now.
warning(s) ; fff, none? Swearing maybe. A NOTE: Go ahead and just start a new thread instead of piling everyone onto one thread. Those end up getting dropped so often, it's just easier this way.
Joker was thoroughly bored.
Okay, so there was EDI. She was great and all, but talking to the glowing blue ball he'd come to see as his trusted co-pilot was often a fun reminder that instead of piloting the finest ship in the known galaxy, he was... lying in a bed, with three limbs in a cast. And besides, she'd been awfully quiet since the fiasco after his trip to the market... That, plus the fact that the trip had agitated his nearly-healed legs made him feel like the troll-educating adventure had taken him backward steps instead of forward. Because this was how he spent his last few weeks: Lonely, bored, and with a chronic ache in his legs.
However, despite all that, he wasn't in a particularly foul mood. Just... yeah, bored mindless. So any distraction, any at all, would be welcomed with open arms and probably a grin.
Normandy House, don't fail him now.
[ooc: Sorry if it's a little vague on things for your character to respond to. Feel free to just have them barge in by accident or hear him talking to himself (who knows why) and peer in out of curiosity, or in the case of his shipmates you can just... come visit.
And the aforementioned 'fiasco' isn't up yet, Mica and I are working it out probably tomorrow, so no worries if you've got no idea what the hell that was referring to.]