who ; Black-One, Seven (possibly Jack?)
what ; Checking up on her wounds, asking questions
where ; Spartan Haus
when ; NOW?
warning(s) ; Shouldn't... be...
[ One never imagined herself to be the very helpful type; her type of job didn't exactly throw herself into situations where she really had the chance to be, but here she was, one act of compassion after another. It was odd to find herself genuinely concerned about the well being of people who weren't her team or even Spartans at all. She thought, maybe, O'Brien had been a one time thing.
And now, to some amusement, she found herself acting as nurse to a strange woman and a junkie, on top of juggling negotiations of some sort of uneasy truce of sorts with an Elite and a patchy friendship with the raptor that was responsible for the killing and eating of one of her comrades.
No, never saw herself as the peaceful type.
One made her way down the hall to the room where Seven would be resting with arms full of medical supplies, clad in full armor, feet thumping as she moved. Nothing too severe, just things to follow up on her. She had a couple questions to ask her too and now that the girl seemed to be somewhat conscious, she wasn't really about to let her keep her mouth shut about it all. ]