
Dec 30, 2010 23:25

Who ; 7 and Jack
what ; 7 is obvs a splicer out to steal his ADAM
where ; Wherever
when ; Whenever
warning(s) ; Possibly violence?

Somebody give this tard an xbox )

7 | (au), jack wynand | (au), cindy meltzer | (au)

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qcksilverspear December 31 2010, 05:30:12 UTC
7 herself was getting anxious with the lack of purpose, as well as the constant disconcerting thoughts that she was on a giant machine run by an AI. She couldn't quite shake that.

In an attempt to find some sort of normalcy, she'd taken to sneaking around the station; garden zones, residential areas, anywhere she could run and jump and tuck and roll and keep her skills in peak condition, as well as following around whatever residents piqued her interest.

Perhaps she could learn from them what she was supposed to do, if there was nothing yet to fight, and nowhere to run to.

Jack, with his satchel and his wrench, proved far too interesting to ignore, and so with her spear at her side and her skullmet down, she deftly put herself on his trail. Just what was this one up to?


i_would_kindly December 31 2010, 07:11:29 UTC
Jack wound his way through the city, systematically searching every ashtray or trashcan he came across. They were all disconcertingly empty. Perhaps the sun-strewn streets really did bear no threat. The residents he'd met were all talkative, clean, helpful. Not at all like the deranged, spliced to the point of violent insanity folks in Rapture.

He holstered his wrench to pull out a pack of cigarettes instead. He snapped, forgetting that he had lost his fire throwing abilities, and sighed. Did he have a lighter on him? That was yet to be seen.


qcksilverspear December 31 2010, 07:14:10 UTC
Okay, this was just getting more interesting, the way he kept looking into refuse containers. When he stops, she'll hazard edging in a little closer to try and see what he's up to.


i_would_kindly December 31 2010, 07:28:32 UTC
Jack checked his pockets before slipping the unlit cigarette behind his ear. Well- finding a lighter was a kind of objective. He drew his wrench and pressed into the nearest building.


qcksilverspear December 31 2010, 07:32:41 UTC
7 pauses for a moment when he enters the building. She wasn't sure she wanted to get caught in an unfamiliar, enclosed space, but she was invested now.

So, she'll climb a near tree, leap onto a balcony, and enter through a third-story window.


i_would_kindly December 31 2010, 07:52:25 UTC
Jack's steps echo hollowly throughout the large space. It seems like some kind of... indoor shopping district. He has never seen anything like it. The perfectly polished floors and unnatural cleanliness of the area as a whole makes his skin crawl. Unlike the dance hall in rapture, it doesn't seem like anyone has ever stepped foot inside. He feels more like an intruder than he did going through people's apartments.

Get the lighter. Get out. That was the goal.


qcksilverspear December 31 2010, 14:50:17 UTC
7 watches from a third-story walkway, before taking a moment to leap down to the second floor and dodge behind a directory.

The space was too open, too clean. It was doing to be difficult keeping herself hidden like this. What she wouldn't give for a good stretch of rubble and debris ... She'll peer back around the directory, and steal along the balcony parallel to Jack.


i_would_kindly December 31 2010, 19:26:04 UTC
Jack's grip on his wrench tightens. He has a feeling that he's being watched. He slowly scans the area but nothing pops up as strange. He disappears into a shop and flits through the merchandise.


qcksilverspear December 31 2010, 19:49:43 UTC
She tries to increase her distance, seeing him more aware of her presence now, but she can't help taking the opeing he gives when he enters the shop.

She'll hop down to the main floor,darting behind a plant display just off to the side of the store's entrance.

What was he looking for?


i_would_kindly December 31 2010, 20:46:00 UTC
Jack turns to check the doorway. He swore he heard footsteps that time. After a few seconds in which nothing bursts into the room throwing fire, he gets back to looking.

"Finally," he sets his wrench down, puts the cigarette in his mouth, and lights a match.


qcksilverspear December 31 2010, 21:38:15 UTC
Okay, now this was just frustrating. She could tell he'd found something, and was doing something, but couldn't see what from her angle.

She sat back a moment, just about to ask herself if it was really woth the risk, when she saw her salution; a grate on the wall, no doubt connected to the duct airways network.

Not even pausing a moment to consider, she makes for the grate and quietly twists off the screws in a practiced manner, setting it aside and climbing in and up, carefully positioning herself by a vent where she could get a better view of what he was doing.


i_would_kindly December 31 2010, 21:54:37 UTC
Jack puffs away on his cigarette for a bit more. His paranoia is starting to show in his repeated looks over his shoulders. Houdini splicers could explain why the footsteps aren't consistent.

He chews on the end of his cigarette, retreats into the corner of the shop and holds still long enough to turn invisible.


qcksilverspear December 31 2010, 23:32:41 UTC
That was it? He came in here to smoke? She can see that she's put him on guard, but then he's moving further into the shop. She watches until he's out of sight, and then carefully moves to another vent further in and ...

She can't find him. At all. After checking another vent, she'll take a chance and kick it free, then jump down into the shop, skullmet down and spear ready.

Had she somehow missed him leaving?


i_would_kindly January 1 2011, 00:48:26 UTC
Stalks him? Creeps around in vents? Animal mask? Weapon? If that isn't grounds for a preemptive strike, he doesn't know what is. He throws a hand out, dropping his camouflage. A bolt of lightning generally does a pretty good job of negating the need for camo, though.


qcksilverspear January 1 2011, 01:54:17 UTC
She turns towards the movement, but there's no time to doge; she's blasted by the bolt, jerking as the electricity courses through her body before collapsing.

This was an entirely new experience, but even as she's struggling through the lingering effects, she's attempting to stand, pushing herself up with her spear.

Those fierce brown eyes looking out through the horse-skull are very very pissed off.


i_would_kindly January 1 2011, 02:09:38 UTC
Jack swaps out the lightning for telekinesis, picks up the nearest heavy thing- which just happens to be a grill- and wings it at her. His goal is to get close enough to beat her to death with the wrench. He has obviously never dealt with a weapon with superior reach to his own.


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