[Open] Settling in...

Jan 02, 2012 14:34

Who; Wanda Lehnsherr and you!
What; Running into people while exploring Sacrosanct?
Where; Any residential zone of your choice.
When; Today!
Warning(s); Probably nothing but will be updated if something crops up ( Read more... )

wanda 'scarlet witch' lehnsherr, raimi matthews, cy

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Oh my god Violet I just want to squish her forever doesthemath January 8 2012, 20:32:50 UTC
Having nothing but time in the world, Wanda waited patiently for Violet's reply. She had surprised the girl, after all, and it was possible she'd interrupted her thoughts. Besides which, being approached by a stranger was likely not the most settling of experiences.

At Violet's eventual mumble, Wanda took a moment to look around the "city" they were walking through, it's skyline, it's lack of graffiti and trash, and more noticeable, it's lack of population. She nodded.

"It's certainly unnerving," she replied. Their surroundings were enough to account for an answer to whether or not Violet was alright. "I haven't been here long and I imagine it will take a while for me to get used to the station..."

She wondered if Violet was there alone. She seemed rather young to be without family, but Wanda also didn't want to alarm the girl.

"That's an interesting uniform you're wearing," she commented carefully, hoping Violet might volunteer some information about it. She hoped that perhaps she'd found another mutant, and not someone in a Halloween costume.


Violet should be the next Squishable personalbubble January 11 2012, 05:00:30 UTC
Violet knows that it's meant to make her feel better, but that doesn't stop it from making her feel that tiny bit worse about being stranded here. The lady makes a point, but she's not sure she wants to get used to it.

"Yeah, but it's not normal," she insists, whining about that core point - missed on the simple grounds that she'd not been clear about it. "No one here's normal. I was just starting to be normal!"

Back home, before being dragged to Sacrosanct. Even before having to chase Dash onto the plane after their mother, because he just couldn't sit down for one minute.

Her little rant, however, drains away at the comment about the uniform and she remembers that she is still very much going around, dressed like the Super that she is in power, but not in name.

"Um." Cue her pulling awkwardly at her hair as she tries to think of a way to explain it on a station with a blue hedgehog that fights evil robo-scientists. "It's, uh. Thanks? My mom kind of brought it home."


Clearly. Incredible Squishable! doesthemath January 12 2012, 01:25:48 UTC
Normal. The term is somewhat of a thorn in her side sometimes. Wanda's never known what it's like to be "normal" by human standards. She's always been different, or special depending on who was judging her.

She'd been raised in a different world and had never had to blend in. Had never been made to feel that she should. She was mutant. Better than.

Perhaps she was just used to it. She was aware that her perspective was different from those raised more deeply in the human world.

"Perhaps being different here is normal? Where I'm from there are lots of people who aren't 'normal' by society's standards," she said conversationally.

She didn't expect this to stick but it was worth a try, to see how the girl would respond.

"It's a very nice uniform," she continued. "Do you and your mother have special abilities perhaps?"


I want a dozen, right now personalbubble January 14 2012, 06:15:04 UTC
That's not quite the point Violet wanted to make, but it made sense in its own way. She'd run into plenty of people that were different, from the Super that could bend metal to the one with superspeed (she still thought of him as Dash, in like a million years). The station had more not normal people than normal.

"Yeah, but what happens if I go back? How can I be normal here, but not normal there? It makes no sense!"

Going back home just means the same debate, except she'd be the not normal one after spending time being the normal one and -- she what she meant??

Consumed by her dilemma, or maybe trying awkwardly to protect her mother's Super identity, she did not respond about the uniform or the powers. Violet wanted to talk about it, maybe just a bit, but fitting or finding the way to fit in is far more important right then.


doesthemath January 19 2012, 02:28:36 UTC
"Is being normal so important?" she asked with a slight smile. "Wouldn't it be better to be something extraordinary?"

Not everyone would agree of course. Most humans thought that mutants were less than human, a threat and something to be exterminated or experimented on. Wanda could only hope the girl's world was a kinder place.


personalbubble January 29 2012, 05:19:36 UTC
"Maybe where you come from," she mumbled.

Violet sighed, all too aware that her statement would be Very Unacceptable if her mother heard it. Just because she was having a bad day also did not mean she needed to make anyone else's day bad.

Armed with those two lessons in manners, she glanced at her much taller and older (sorry Wanda) companion. "I'm sorry," she said in much the same mumble, though it cleared up as she continued. "It's just that, where I'm from? You can't be special. Well, you can, but you can't let anyone know. Being normal would fix all that.


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