[Open] Settling in...

Jan 02, 2012 14:34

Who; Wanda Lehnsherr and you!
What; Running into people while exploring Sacrosanct?
Where; Any residential zone of your choice.
When; Today!
Warning(s); Probably nothing but will be updated if something crops up ( Read more... )

wanda 'scarlet witch' lehnsherr, raimi matthews, cy

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R10! notafuckingkid January 3 2012, 02:06:40 UTC
Settling in had never been easy for CT, especially when it really only took one mistake, not locking door to undo every single bit of work she'd done. If nothing else, being in Project Freelancer had taught her that much; that no one could be trusted for any amount of time, however big or small. With the presence of former teammates on the station, CT knew she had to run and hide and cover her tracks as best she could. Both luckily and unluckily, the teleporters could connect her back to the Junkyard where she'd spent a large part of the last month collecting what equipment could be usable and dragging it into her apartment-cum-workshop.

So, at the moment, she's just finished unloading her newly acquired motorcycle and presses the lock into the ignition. With some small confidence, CT's in a set of relatively civie-esque clothing and has her motorcycle helmet off for once so she can possibly spot Carolina from far off. Just stay calm, stay chill, and there's always ditching her new place to run if needed.


doesthemath January 3 2012, 05:58:27 UTC
Wanda didn't find many people wandering around the station, so when she ran across them they always had her attention. She'd gotten to know several over the communications system, but as of yet, she'd only met a handful in person.

Finding CT and a motorcycle in the tenth zone definitely grabbed her attention. She hadn't yet found anyone else with a vehicle of that sort.

"Hi there," she said, giving both the other woman and her bike a once-over.


notafuckingkid January 5 2012, 11:21:24 UTC
CT glanced up at the greeting, a frown quickly covering her face. The Freelancer certainly didn't recognize Wanda and it'd been quite some time since she'd had an even slightly normal conversation with another human being. After all, she hadn't bought the bike, it'd just shown up in her living room like Santa had brought it. No reason to complain though, the vehicle had been damn useful so far and she'd checked it for trackers and other bugs several times already.

"Hi," CT replied, her tone uneasy and certainly lacking in confidence. How did normal people even do this casual talk? "...what brings you out here."


doesthemath January 5 2012, 17:41:40 UTC
"Getting familiar with the station," she said simply, coming to a stop a few feet away. "I arrived not long ago so I've been exploring the residential zones. You're the first person I happened upon in this zone...though you're the only one I've seen with a motorcycle."

Wanda didn't know how to ride a motorcycle but the presence of some sort of vehicle gave her hope there might be others.

"How did you come by it?"


notafuckingkid January 5 2012, 18:50:46 UTC
"Junkyard," CT attempted to lie, albeit with furrowed eyebrows. Why did this stranger want to know? Did she suspect CT? Was she going to rat to the Freelancers?

CT's complexion pales and her lips press into a firm line. Should she run now or continue to try and play it cool? Would the other woman hurt her in any way? Was she here to investigate? Just trying to keep those suspicions to herself made CT's head hurt. Keep calm, keep quiet.

The motorcycle itself was relatively clean of dents except for one over front-center headlight where the Freelancer had already run right into a wall. If nothing else, she'd learned how to properly throttle since. Regardless, though, there's little dirt or other evidence that it had been used much before.


doesthemath January 5 2012, 19:38:49 UTC
Wanda hadn't wanted to go scrounging in the Junkyard for things, but after Raimi had mentioned her things might pop up there, and the other woman said that she'd gotten the bike there, she reluctantly reconsidered the idea.

CT's reactions gave her pause, however, and she summoned a smile to her face, however slight, and extended her hand.

"I'm the Scarlet Witch," she said, introducing herself with her mutant name rather than her given name.


notafuckingkid January 5 2012, 19:51:20 UTC
CT hesitated for a moment, unsure even as she, too, extended her hand and firmly shook Wanda's. However, she didn't give a name in return, consistent with her behavior on the network. Any of her former comrades would instantly recognize her current codename and the Freelancer couldn't quite bring herself to part with it, not even to stay under the radar. She hadn't given it up in the desert, so why give it up now? Because her team probably wants her dead? Because the Director could be here?

"Said you hadn't seen anyone in this zone yet," CT spoke clearly as she pulled her hand back. "What other zones have you visited?"


doesthemath January 6 2012, 04:23:28 UTC
Interesting. Wanda was glad she hadn't offered her given name, considering that this woman was one of many who seemed happier to keep it to themselves. She'd never encountered such secrecy before, but then these were a different set of circumstances entirely.

"Six and twelve," she replied smoothly. "I'm not exactly going in order so much as picking at random. Are there others you know of that live in this zone? Neighbors and such?"

If she wouldn't talk about herself then maybe she'd talk about other people. Wanda wouldn't mind knowing how people had spread out on the station.


notafuckingkid January 7 2012, 23:31:13 UTC
"No." CT shifted her weight, keeping her gaze focused on Wanda and trying to read possible threats from the other woman.

The answer was, by and large, the truth, as CT had really only seen neighbors in the first residential zone so far. People seemed to be scarce almost everywhere else and the Freelancer had no problem with that situation. Her workshop could then be properly secluded enough to get some proper work done. She needed to make vehicles to travel into the desert zone and set up another mini-fortress, where tracking her would be even difficult.

She didn't care that secluding herself so completely would be extremely lonely and extremely harsh, but it was necessary to protect herself. It would be worth it, she told herself mentally. While she remained in a residential zone, she would be easy to find.

"What are you looking for," CT continues with her line of questioning, dark gaze unmoving and unflinching.


doesthemath January 8 2012, 20:24:01 UTC
"Nothing in particular," she replied, finding herself wondering at the other woman's body language. Everything, from her tone, to the way she stared back at Wanda and how she held herself implied a certain amount of guarding, of being closed-off.

It made for an uncomfortable conversation, and in response, Wanda felt more on guard as well.

"As I said, I'm new to the station. Getting familiar with the residential zones and meeting the people I happen across is the extent of my goal today." Wanda shrugged. "I'm the Scarlet Witch," she said by way of introduction. She wasn't going to throw her given name to this woman, not even in an attempt to garner trust. It would have likely been a futile gesture.


notafuckingkid January 11 2012, 01:57:59 UTC
Honestly, CT would rather have an awkward and uncomfortable conversation than one where she felt she was at a disadvantage. As it was, the Freelancer still feels she had some kind of power yet with her hidden identity. She shifted her weight uneasily, expression growing even more shuttered. Sure, Wanda just said that all she wanted was to meet people and get familiar with the zones, but CT read in further, considered that the older woman could have come for far more sinister purposes.

"There's nothing to see." Her response continued to be clipped and altogether not very friendly.


doesthemath January 12 2012, 01:29:07 UTC
"I see," Wanda replied, expression going carefully neutral. Her eyes didn't stray from CT's face, and after a moment she stirred, shifted her weight. "Then perhaps I'd better be moving on."

She was not in the mood to push someone who was refusing to budge or give. Not for the moment anyway. She could come back here another time, try to catch her later, or perhaps remember enough of her voice to hear her on the network.

Unfortunately CT's very obvious guard against Wanda only made her more curious.


notafuckingkid January 13 2012, 15:08:57 UTC
"Good idea," CT replied curtly, her tone cold and stony; she didn't want anyone possibly poking around in her business, friendly or otherwise.

She picked up her motorcycle helmet, her gaze still not leaving Wanda for a second. If she could get back to her apartment without incident, that would definitely be ideal, but when did anything ever go right for her? Never.


doesthemath January 13 2012, 17:29:45 UTC
Wanda gave CT one last, considering look before tucking her hands into her pockets and calmly continuing on in the direction she'd been going.

She did, however, note where exactly she was, intending to return later to see if she could happen upon the woman again and see what it was she was guarding so carefully.


notafuckingkid January 14 2012, 16:31:28 UTC
CT watched as Wanda continued on her way, eyes not leaving the other woman for a long while, making sure she didn't change her mind and come back. With a deep frown, the Freelancer went back to unloading the last couple items from her bike and headed up to her apartment.


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