a few days is too long

Nov 17, 2011 22:36

who ; Shockwave & Skyfire
what ; Shockwave and Skyfire have a long needed talk.
where ; Garden Zone 08.
when ; Earlier in the day.
warning(s) ; Awkward?

come on internet work )

shockwave | (au), skyfire | (au)

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notsoloyal December 5 2011, 07:06:11 UTC
Shockwave frowns, eventually worming his way into Skyfire's lap. Be somewhat comforting and keep him from going anywhere, should the shuttle feel the need to run off.

"Turned out better how exactly? You cannot just say everything would have been better had you not been around, as there is no way to know for certain what would have happened."

He isn't sure if that will help Skyfire in any way to hear, but best to say it anyway. Just in case it does assist in even the most miniscule way.

"What are you guilty for? As far as I am aware you have not done anything. And had you not been around whom would I have slept with when Michael was otherwise occupied? How would I have ever become friends with Alejandro if you were not around?"

Skyfire was the reason he'd gotten to know Alejandro better, and he was one of the few Shockwave was okay sleeping next to. Or on top of. His choices were limited, especially when it came to wanting someone organic to curl up next to.

"And everyone makes mistakes, no on is asking you to be perfect." Frag even he wasn't perfect. He'd made plenty of mistakes throughout his life so far.

"Back in the City, Starscream was hurting Soundwave and I was not even aware of it. And I lived with the both of them. I was close to Soundwave. He is fine, and I am positive he does not blame you for that."

He sighs, leaning up against the shuttle. "If you disappear again it is not something within your control. You cannot be blamed and we will get you back. If you disappear again because you choose to run, then we have every right to be upset with you. I hardly see what the problem is."


notyourchauffer December 7 2011, 06:17:18 UTC
Since when did even cuddling with Shockwave make him feel guilty? He just has to do his best to ignore it. The frustrating thing is how right Shockwave is about it all. He can't do anything but lean his head into that crop of fuzzy purple and heave a sigh.

"I just dwell on the worst possible things lately. I did not used to be so unpleasant," He says, squeezing the Decepticon that's now occupying his person.

"At least I have my friends now."

He pauses. Thinking now about the city and how much happened.

"What do you think became of Starscream?"


notsoloyal January 8 2012, 05:03:42 UTC
Shockwave presses his face against Skyfire's shoulder, trying to come up with the proper things to say. Something that won't make the shuttle feel horrible, if at all possible.

"I do not know about that. I found you quite unpleasant before." His tone is light, he's just teasing him even if it was true; back when they were constantly arguing and hating each other.

"I shall always be here, and I am certain it is the same with the rest of your friends."

Carefully he wraps his arms around Skyfire, cringing slightly at the next question.

"Likely his spark is floating around in space, just as he had been before. Possibly his spark has ended up somewhere it shouldn't and he's gotten himself in trouble again. It would not be surprising."


notyourchauffer January 8 2012, 05:55:08 UTC
"Well, you're lucky I'm so charming," He flashes a grin and digs his fingers playfully into Shockwave's ribs, then wrapping him back up in an embrace before he can manage to squirm away.

"I appreciate the sentiment, Shockwave," He leaves his doubt unspoken. He'll take what comfort he can get from wherever he can get it.

"You are probably correct," He scowls, and briefly he entertains the thought that Starscream deserves it before thinking better. Then again- maybe he does.

"I wish I could say I miss him," But he doesn't.


notsoloyal January 8 2012, 06:17:25 UTC
"I must be." Shockwave smiles back, squirming and trying to hold back a laugh as Skyfire tickles him. Once it changes into an embrace, he settles and snuggles into the shuttle.

"... What happened between you two? If you do not mind my asking."

Details. Details on what happened was something he was lacking in. However, given he really did not care when it happened that isn't surprising.


notyourchauffer January 8 2012, 09:49:26 UTC
That's a loaded question. What didn't happen?

He rests his cheek against the top of Shockwave's head and heaves a sigh.

"Many things. For one, he had relations with some woman without telling me. We'd never even- even done anything. He was always so skittish about it- so I left well enough alone. To have him run off and do that- it was. Frustrating. To say the least," That really isn't even the half of it, "More so, he refused to set aside any ambition in the interest of safety. He cared little for human beings- for other people in general. No matter the species, even our own he didn't care."

He loosens his grip on Shockwave, growing quiet.

"I know it shouldn't come as a surprise... but what really bothers me-"

His frown draws tired lines on his face.

"What really bothers me is that he lied to my face about almost everything. I cannot abide it. He lied about loving me. That is... what he may have believed, but he never loved anyone but himself. His ambitions."

He goes quiet before pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Sorry. That is... a great deal of baggage."


notsoloyal January 8 2012, 18:50:09 UTC
Ah. Courtney.

"She was rather... demanding." Amongst other things. He was almost certain now, that the day she arrived she had been hitting on him. Although he's not certain if he should be saying sorry to Skyfire or not. He was the reason Starscream had met her. She had data on how to return their bodies, using her was necessary. He did not see the point in dating her, but then again he wasn't the one that chose to get involved with her in that way.

"Not that, such excuses him. It would be poor of me to say you have no right to be upset with him for that, seeing how I reacted when I found out Soundwave had been involved with someone else." It was something that still bothered him from time to time. That feeling that he wasn't first choice.

"But I would not be too displeased that you two never did anything intimate. I doubt he would have been very good at it."

Gently he runs his fingers through Skyfire's hair, attempting to comfort him. This obviously is not the best of subjects for the shuttle.

"He changed, perhaps not as dramatically as you would have liked, but he did ever so slightly. And he has attempted to be someone great since the beginning, why get involved with that if you knew?

"Decepticons lie. And you are far better than that. Better than him. You deserved better. And I do not mind listening. It is nice to hear your side of things."


notyourchauffer January 11 2012, 05:10:04 UTC
He breathes, feeling the paint pulse of another spark against him. He never thought Shockwave of all people would be comforting. It's a revelation he keeps revisiting time and time again. Someone who he used to hate so passionately.

"I do not know. It was foolish. I will be the first to admit I have been too trusting. Too naive. Perhaps I still am, believing I can transcend the binds of our species stupid war."

The former shuttle sighs, squeezing Shockwave a little tighter.

"Thank you, Shockwave. Thank you for... listening."


notsoloyal January 11 2012, 07:27:32 UTC
"I am always here to listen, if you require it." He gives Skyfire a little smile, gently patting his arm.

And perhaps Skyfire is still being too naive, even after everything that's happened the shuttle isn't perfect. And to be honest, it is likely for the best. Yes, the less naive Skyfire is the better off he would be when something bad happened. However, from what Shockwave can tell, Skyfire functions best when he's at least a little naive.

"Although if it helps any, I am a Cybertronian first, Decepticon second. Even with Starscream's memories cluttering my own, I am not quite the type to go off and hurt everyone. So I would think you are safe trusting me as a friend."


notyourchauffer January 15 2012, 01:33:09 UTC
Shockwave is yanked closer and given a kiss on the cheek.

"I am glad that things changed between us, Shockwave."

He'd be content to sit here forever and hug him. There are many things he'd never expected to hear from Shockwave, and many of them happened today.

"If you have some of Starscream's memories..." He pauses, unsure if he wants to ask what he's about to ask.

"Did he ever actually love me?"


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