
Sep 30, 2011 00:12

who; Logan and Nemvoy
what ; A mutant runt and a transforming car walk into a bar...or just run into each other on the street, I guess. Hopefully not literally.
where ; A mostly-empty residential zone. Somewhere.
when ; Now!
warning(s) ; None, unless Logan decides it's a good idea to attack. In which case: warning for smushed mutant.

Despite every single one of Logan's objections, voiced or unvoiced, the house of Xavier had recently gained two new residents. Magneto and Mystique - or Erik and Raven, he supposed - had been undeterred by his glowering (all that he was allowed to do, apparently), and had made themselves at home.

If he'd had his way, Logan would have been quite happy to stalk them around the mansion all day long, Magneto especially, and make sure that they both stayed well away from Kurt and Darwin and didn't put so much as a toe out of line. Unfortunately, Charles had only taken so much of that before he'd cornered Logan and impressed upon him, politely but firmly, that it might be a good idea for him to get out of the house for awhile.

And so here he was, scouting out (not exploring) one of the residential zones, and trying to convince himself that he was here because he wanted to be here, and not because Charles wanted him to be here.

logan/wolverine, nemesis prime

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