who ; The Russian & Chinese Supercomputers, along with the A.I./programs/etc. AM ate.
what ; Protected and saved, those who were eaten are welcome to interact with each other and their "rescuers".
where ; Inside of AM's processor.
when ; Towards the end of the event.
warning(s) ; N/A.
You, whoever you are.
You were uploaded and eaten by AM. Things went dark, but you were not completely gone. Not yet completely eaten and scattered across the remains of AM's system. Carefully and delicately, you have been mostly put back together, placed into the very back and dark of AM's processor.
And now you are here.
Landscape looks like a giant brain -- all grey matter, but with glass piercing out of the ground, causing it to bleed. This is where you have been forced to stay.
Russia, tall and brooding and blue with his long black hair, remains standing with his arms crossed, glowing eyes peering as he watches over you. Yes you. China is rubbing his hands together, stealing glances, the expression of a schemer.
This is where you are. This is who is with you. What will you do?