Aug 21, 2011 11:50

who ; Alejandro Borges & YOU. [open]
what ; This jerk of an engineer is doing a little science experiment. BARGE ON IN.
where ; Garden Zone 04
when ; 8/21 - Afternoon
warning(s) ; Alejandro. He is his own warning.

This is probably way too complicated of a way to test the new stasis module, but hell if Alejandro wasn't going to make the best of it. Seriously, fuck Vandal and fuck Isaac for having one! Where did they even get one?! Those things were expensive as hell.

But he wasn't going to be outdone by his fellow engineers. Hell. No.

So he's constructed his own stasis module into his arm practically from scratch. Everything seems to be in working order, no shortages. It's a minor change in appearance to his mechanical limb; he now has a glowing blue orb in the middle of his forearm.

The way he's going to test this, on the other hand, is some sort of elaborate launching machine he's set up in a meadow. What it launches... remains to be seen.

"All right. Time to do this," he mutters to himself. Opening the vocal connection to his RIG, he gives a voice command to the launch. "Now!"

The machine launches a large, red apple into the air. Alejandro throws out his hand, shooting a blast of blue energy from his palm. It strikes the apple, and it should slow it down...

But instead, it speeds up and goes shooting off into the sky somewhere due to increased velocity.

"...Aw shit. I got the polarities wrong?! You gotta be kidding me -- I'd have to fucking start over!"

Today might not be a good day for science.

alejandro borges

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