Just call me Diana...

Sep 25, 2009 15:34

I am a huntress of jobs. Right now, I'm hunting down jobs like, well, like I'm getting paid for it. Which, if I were, I'd have a boatload of money right now.

Since last week Friday when I first scanned the London Free Press Classifieds, I've been sending out resumes left and right. Saturday morning I got up bright and early, curled up on my couch with my laptop, and rewrote my whole resume, bringing it up to professional standards. I then wrote a cover letter, printed both off, gussied myself up, and headed over to JYSK, "home bath bed" to hand it in. After spending the rest of the weekend doing other, more important things, Monday morning was back to the hunt. I used the London Free Press, Monster (which, btw, is useless), and the London Job Bank website (which is incredible, not to mention, updated throughout the day). I had emailed out about 15 resumes, handed out 3 in person, and was on my way to do 3 more. And these were all directly in response to job *ads*, not just cold walkins. And nothing. Talk about depressing. Here am I, Masters degree in hand, begging for a job, any job, minimum wage if it must be, part time if it must be, but just work in some format.

Finally Wednesday yielded results. A phone call from JYSK, for an interview. Then, when I brought in my resume to Smart Set, I filled out an application, and went through a pre-screening interview, and set up my second interview. And then that afternoon, another phone call, this one from HRCanada, public fundraising. This last one sounds like my worst nightmare with good pay. Essentially, you stand on street corners and ask strangers for monthly donations to NGO's like Canada Red Cross and UNICEF. While I endorse those charities, a) I would never give a promise while standing on a street corner to donate money, and by the way, I've had the opportunity and b) I can barely ask people I *know* for money. Ugh. And then that evening, an email from the nanny job possibility, wanting to set up an interview.

Smart Set interview was this afternoon. It went well, and I felt I presented myself well, and smart, and capable. But I know my lack of clothing retail experience works against me. Also, it sounded like they have a lot of applicants for this job, and I can only imagine half of them actually have the experience... At any rate, it's out of my hands, and I'll hear back on Tuesday.

HRCanada is in an hour. It's a group interview, which I can't imagine I'll be great at. I'm never the loudest or most outgoing in a brand new group, and I feel like those are the people who stand out the most (for better or worse). Also, I know I'd hate the job. But it pays well, and it's, well, a job. Which I don't have. So I'll go and do my best.

The nanny people wanted to interview me on Saturday, tomorrow, but I'm in Toronto all day, helping my sister move, so that doesn't work for me. I suggested Sunday, but they're really horrible at responded quickly to emails, so I fully believe I'll hear back from them by Monday... that job could be either really good or crappy. It's one kid, a 20-month old, and steady hours, Mon-Fri, 8:30-4:30. So I'd have guaranteed weekends and nights free. BUT, if it's really crappy pay, put together with my lack of enthusiasm for children... but we'll see. Hopefully if these people are willing to hire a complete stranger rather than a grandmother/neighbour/use daycare, they're loaded. *crossing fingers*

And then JYSK as sort of my last resort on Wednesday. Not that I'm guaranteed there, but it's not the nicest store. Kind of cheap, and it was kind of dirty/messy in there when I dropped off the resume.

So anyways, that's the update on my life back in London as a former student. As a Master of singing. *sigh*

Ugh. Group interview in 45 minutes....
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