Get off my fucking back already

Apr 24, 2007 16:49

This article has me worked into a fit, and I agree 110% with NOT using taxpayer money to bail out the "victims" of the subprime mortgage "crisis."

Let the retards who bought expensive homes with no idea on how they'd pay for them bear all the consequences of their foolish actions.  I don't care if they go bankrupt, or even if they end up on the street.  It was their risk, their stupidity, so they can pay for it.  The very idea that even the smallest portion of my taxes should be given to Corky the Dimwitted Janitor so he can stay in his 300K home is completely outrageous to me.

I've read a dozen sob stories of doe-eyed families about to lose their homes, and all of them have something in common.  The homeowners always say something to the effect of, "Well, gosh, we knew the interest rate would go up in X years and our payments would increase, and we weren't sure how we'd pay for that, BUT WE SIGNED THE PAPERS ANYWAY."  Well, guess what?  You're a fucking idiot, and now you deserve to suffer.

Certainly, I've been tempted to buy a home, even in San Francisco, where you need half a million for a modest, two-bedroom condo.  I see ads that say, "$430,000 for $1299 per month!" and I think, wow, that's less than my rent.  I could afford that!  Then I look at the fine print and see that the payments don't even cover the interest, and that seven months into the mortgage, I'll owe 20K more than I did when I started.  Being the mature and responsible person I am, I opt to keep renting.

Because, you know what?  Owning a home isn't as great as the whole country is telling you.  All those radio ads that order you to stop making your landlord rich are paid for by mortgage brokers and banks that want you to make them rich.  When you take out that new mortgage, about 72 cents of your monthly payment goes to paying down the balance.  The rest is interest, and the fact that it's tax-deductible doesn't compensate for the mortgage payment being 2-3 times what you were paying in rent.  And that "starter home" you're stuck with isn't very desirable and probably won't appreciate much, so when you go to sell it in five years, the realtors' fees will probably wipe out most of the profit.  Been there, done that, saw the fucking musical.

For years I've been wondering if there's a single human attribute from which all of our problems originate, and I think I finally realize what it is:


That self-destructive notion that immediate happiness and pleasure are all that matter.  Our downfall is being expedited by this ridiculous idea that life should be easy.  Go buy a house!  And an SUV!  Start a family when you're 20!  Eat every donut you see until you need bypass surgery!  Put a plasma TV in every room!  Take vacations and buy a new sofa instead of saving for your retirement!  You're a precious and unique snowflake who deserves everything you want RIGHT NOW, and if you get yourself into trouble, we'll just tax the hell out of responsible people, and give their hard-earned money to you!  You, you, you!  It's ALL about YOU!

I'm completely disillusioned with both political parties and have unsubscribed myself from the mailing lists of, Harry Reid, Babs Boxer, and pretty much everyone and everything else political.  99% of politicians from all parties completely suck.  The Republicans may be whores for theocracy-craving evangelicals and greedy CEOs wanting to make a buck while killing Arabs and polluting the environment, but the Democrats are whores for welfare state advocates and other whiny, lazy, socialist leaches.

In summary, everyone sucks.  Everyone is selfish, and not in the Ayn Rand-approved way that I agree with.  Populists and demagogues tell us that we deserve better politicians, but we don't.  Our politicians lack integrity and personal responsibility.  They're really a perfect match for too many of us.

I wish I could do what the heroes did in Atlas Shrugged: round up all the virtuous people and establish a secret colony where only productive, responsible citizens are allowed to live, then watch the outside world crumble under the weight of its peoples' massive sense of entitlement.


This rant is way over the top, even for me.  I think I'm done.

Happy pending fiscal apocalypse, y'all.

socialism sucks, home ownership, rants, humanity is awful

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