(no subject)

Mar 07, 2007 14:58

Hey People!
So this past week (like from Wednesday til today) there was a strike at our university, the Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro (UAQ, pronounced wok, yes, as in cooking). Only instead of the teachers or students on strike, it was the administrative personell, like the secretaries and janitors. Which meant that instead of having classes at the UAQ, the entire campus was closed and locked, and there were red and black flags tied everywhere. So we only had the classes that we have to take through Dickinson, which are grammar and culture, and these were typically held in whatever café we chose. Pretty awesome. But now it’s over, just as I was getting accustomed to all the free time!
Last Saturday Chris, Spencer, Leann, her visiting friend Toby, Anabella, Shana, and I all took a day trip to San Joaquin. Included were tours of ruins, a tour of a cave, and a tour of a winery, and a bottle of the wine of our choice: we chose champagne. Here is the facebook link to my pictures from the trip:

and I’m assuming that if you feel like seeing pics you have accessed my facebook posts recently.

This weekend our group is going to Mexico City to tour, see some amazing ruins, and of course Frida Kahlo’s house…all I know about her is that she was an artist, had a unibrow, and married that big guy Diego Rivera, and was severely injured in a terrible bus accident. By the end of the trip I hope to know a bit more.
My family is coming to visit this weekend too! They arrive in Mexico City the same time we’re there, and they’re going to tour and sightsee, then come to Queretaro on Tuesday. I’m excited to show them around. And I miss my little sister!

So that’s really it for now. More updates to come, as always. Feel free to drop a line any time!
Miss you all, and hope all is well!
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