Jan 09, 2007 17:33
So it turns out that my sternum is sprained. My sternum! Who the fuck EVER in the history of the world sprains their fuckin' sternum? And while we're at, why is there a pointless joint at the bottom of the sternum ANYWAY? Do we USE this joint? Of course not. It exists only for suffering!
*rages around as gently as possibly*
RRRRRRRRRRRRR I am so angry right now. I did not deserve another car wreck, much less to have some crazy bitch make it so that I cannot breathe speak laugh move sit jump sleep reach lift pull push hug or HICCUP without pain that grows unbearable if my center is touched. I almost started crying in the nurses's office then and there when she gently pushed on my sternum, and I still feel shuddery with pain all over. Ohh shit that was unexpected. And the worst part is they can't do shit for a sprain there except give you some pain killers and muscle relaxants, neither of which I can take full doses of which because I have too much to do at the beginning of the quarter that requires movement and mental acuity. I only just now GOT my medicine, as well...
However, this one sort of cruel upside. And that would be, that my ab muscles are ridiculously tight and now that I realize it have been for a while. I have to stop and consciously say "relax" in order to lower my shoulders and let my tummy poof out, but even then I CANNOT relax my UPPER abs or my lower back. And a split second later everything else tightens all over again.
The doctor said that the reason for this is that when you sprain an odd place like the sternum your muscles tighten to protect it, aka prevent it from moving too much or from having the muscles around it have to pull it. I need to breathe, laugh, sit up enough to at least bunch, lift my arms, etc, however, and therefore my upper ab muscles among others are working quadruple overtime to support me right now. "It's basically like you're doing at least a hundred sit ups every day," said my doctor. "At least by the end of this, your abs will look great."
It's completely not worth it (I can already feel my climbing and running muscles are atrophying away!) but hey. At least it's something.
Now I need to make some damn dinner... rawr. Sorry to ramble so long about garbage, btu I'm bitter about the fact I felt nearly BETTER yesterday and then woke up crazy hurting today for NO REASON.
AHHHHHHHHHHHh damn my cursed luck!