Dec 25, 2009 22:11
I got a bunch of neat things for Christmas. I'm very happy with most of them, but for now, I'm only going to tell you about the dumbest gift ever.
I was given a clear glass teapot with a metal infuser by my stepmother's parents. Doesn't sound so bad, right? It was a nice gift two Christmases ago, when I admired it in a store and they bought it for me. It was a little weird last year, when they bought me another, slightly different clear glass teapot with a metal infuser. It is utterly stupid this year, when I received a THIRD variation on the theme of clear glass teapot with a metal infuser, from the SAME PEOPLE.
They know I already have one, right? And that this is not an item that is useful in multiples? And that I don't, say, collect utilitarian-looking teapots? And do not own a tea shop or other small establishment which might have some use for numerous non-identical teapots of very similar style?
I think they must either be insane or taking a good stab at making me insane.