life is too damn short.

Apr 22, 2006 14:59

Last night, I didn't even go to sleep. I wasn't tired until 4am, and what the hell is the point of getting one hour of sleep before going into work? So I didn't. And I dragged so much ass today at work, and my memory was so hazy as a result, I don't remember anything I did at work (except one of the residents was a little beligerant today and threw her Milk of Magnesia at me, which I was able to dodge but still ended up getting some on my pants anyway). I don't even remember driving home. It's like being intoxicated only it didn't cost anything and there's no hangover to deal with. And no ticket for driving. Although I'm pretty sure I would have hit a pedestrian and not noticed. Oh well. It was fun hanging out...

We all decided to recapture our youth ('cept for Adam, god damn him!) and pummled the shit out of each other with water balloons on the top level of the parking ramps. Blackie did some weird ass turn around in mid air, only to get slammed with about 80 water balloons and ended up falling straight on his ass. Hilarious. Proceeded by playing fucked up versions of board games and watching Dodgeball, which I now own (long overdue). I also bought the first season of Sex and the City, and am working on getting the whole 6 six seasons over time.

It seems like everyone is in such a hurry to grow up these days... including myself at some times. But the past couple weeks I've gotten tired of all of that bull shit, and have had this inate need to unleash the 5 year old in me again. I feel like I'm growing too old too quickly, and I'm tired of living for the future. I've begun living for the moment in front of me, and it's so much more gratifying. Not through selfish acts, but through jumping the shit out of rain puddles, racing my piece of shit car, having water balloon fights, laughing at stupid shit... all things I had forgotten about for almost the entire year of 2005. I was so concerned about where I wasn't in life that I forgot I was supposed to just *live* the fucking thing. I'm so much more at ease and I remember what it's like to laugh at the stupid shit again. It's incredible. I feel like I've had this epiphany inside and I just want to share it with everyone.

I should really get some sleep but I'm wide awake now...

I'm going to try to lie down for about an hour and then start it all over again. I'm going to be a zombie on Monday, good thing I don't work.

And I think everything is okay with Sarah. I guess she was never that upset with me? Whatever. I just hope all of the bullshit ends for her soon and she can just carry on with her life without any hinderance. I got her the cutest present for Easter, and our schedules do anything but fit together, so it's going to prove to be interesting on how I get it to her. Good thing Easter was a week ago!

I've been diving into the CD that Jon made for me a while ago, recently. It's an amazing CD, mostly acoustic, and it messes with your head and makes you just zone out and let your thoughts fly. I like CD's like that.

I guess I'm tapped dry for the moment.
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