Beside Smile, You, I am also watching a TW drama (gasp!) called Mysterious Incredible Terminator or the Clue Collector, or Pi Li Mit as they call themselves:
Don't worry, they are not the reincarnation of the Power Rangers, but they come awfully close. These Power Rangers live in an elite school called Shen Yen. From the outside it looks like every other school community, but from the inside.. Bring on the psycho's, serialkillers, rapists, and every other type of weirdo or criminal one can think of. Now, to keep all the students from dropping dead by all these psycho's, Teacher Cherry (haha) created Pi Li Mit to protect the students and capture the other students. Clearly this is another alternate universe where calling the cops is taboo. Not to mention the earpieces. Ever heard of cellphones?
The storylines are creepy, I love the dark atmosphere, and the vid quality does not even suck that badly. And I also love the characters. 007 (OH YEAH, they even have their own codenames. LOL) is icy emo famous boy who stepped right out of a shoujo manga, Lucifer is the bubbly, smart, optimistic Pink Power Ranger, and then we have 2 others which I don't know the codenames off, but there is the usual playboy, and a nice, friendly one who wants to be a hero all the time. Right.
Oh, and Teacher Cherry who is a real nutcase for using students to capture murderers.
Ah well. It's got an OTP, 007 and Lucifer. Cuteness times 243025350, but she's got some melting to do!
Anyway I finished the first four episodes and it's great fun. Brainless fun, but still fun. And who cares, with something this adorable:
Viewers did promise me it would get more serious as the episodes pass, so I am looking forward to that.