Oct 31, 2004 17:05
Ok I stole this from Rob and Liz. Anyway enjoy I guess...
I AM: short, strawberry blonde, girl...yeah...
I HOPE: To get married and have kids
I HAVE: trust in few people
I WISH: I could get out of Yarmouth and find a decent guy
I FEAR: never being loved!
I HEAR: " no one likes you"
I SEARCH: for love, life, hope
I WONDER: whats wrong with me
I REGRET: nothing its a waste of time
I LOVE: Jesus
I AM NOT: a strong person
I DANCE: when I feel like it
I SING: Every moment of every day!
I CRY: when no ones watching
I AM NOT ALWAYS: as happy as it looks
I WIN: nothing...
I CONFUSE: myself
I NEED: more cofindence and faith
I WOULD: change everything about me
I SHOULD: not want to change everything about me
I MISS: Everyone from Ottawa
I SMELL: chocolate
I LOOK: everywhere
I FIND: Nothing
I THINK: people are dumb (including me)
I SOMETIMES: hate everything
I KNOW: nothing
I CAN: not take Yarmouth n e more!
I SPEAK: The truth
I REMEMBER: Lonliness
As you can all tell...I'm kinda upset today...anyway leave a comment if you want to