[SINGER] clear

Oct 08, 2009 03:06

(Hereafter Clear because I am a capitalization nazi.)

Introducing: MAI HUSBANDO. (。・ω・。)ノ The comm is now active enough that I can shameless and guiltlessly dedicate a whole post to my favorite male nicosinger. :'D

Clear started his nicosinging career back in July '08 and he's currently one of the most well-known singers in the world of Vocaloid covers. As his name would indicate, he has a very clear, easy on the ears voice, and... while he is obviously aware of the size of his fanbase and loves to play up the wai wai bishie act, he never overdoes it like other singers out there.


One of those fandubs that rank higher than the original in the Nicosound listings. A fantastic song that showcases all aspects of Clear's singing, from his (now vanishing) vibrato to his shameless bishounen act. Incidentally, before the tags were cleaned up, there was one called "the 2:54 incident" attributed to his sexy おいで ("come here") at that exact moment in the song. Watch the video only to see the comments explode with laughter, squealing and "I'M COMING"s when it happens. :'D


What it says on the can. The good old Kaito version of WIM with a couple of ad-libbed lines that work wonders and also tend to make fangirls explode with glee. It may be my bias speaking, but I've yet to find a better done cover of AWIM.


DID YOU KNOW I REALLY LOVE THIS SONG? /o\ But yes, here we can hear Clear singing more 'seriously' (as in, not being a fanservice machine) and just... showering with emotion a song that is already beautiful by itself.


Duet with Vivian aka one of the two girls who regularly sings with him. I think my favorite thing about this cover, is how much like Meiko and Kaito they manage to sound, especially when it comes to hitting Kaito's high notes.


And a duet with Wotamin, who regularly does stuff together with Clear, not just singing, but also mixing his songs/doing videos, etc (their unit name is 'clewota'). The original version of this song (which isn't a duet, by the way) just paaales in comparison to this cover, it's almost like they are two different songs.


lololol obviously. Here we have Clear, Dasoku, and Valshe as Kaito, Gakupo, and Len, respectively. It's another great example of a "ffffff HUMAN VOCALOIDS!!11" song, and a definite must hear for just about anyone.



Featuring Clear as Haruhiko from The Genderbending of Suzumiya Haruhi!!!1 This is only here because it is his oldest song uploaded to Niconico and you can hear just how much Clear's singing has improved in the span of a year. Also, because all of the alternating "omg so bad lololol/d'awwww so cute" comments in the video are hilarious. :'D

Clear's Mylist
Clear's blog
Clear's article at the Niconico Singers' wiki

PS: Stelas is shunned for linking Sweet Sweet Cendrillon Drug a couple of posts ago before I could get to it myself, but you should totally check it out too, if you haven't. :|d

singer: valshe, singer: vivienne, singer: wotamin, singer: clear, いきますよ!!いきます!!!, singer: dasoku, linkdump

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