Utau Post

Jun 25, 2010 01:40


If you pay any attention to Utau, you've heard this song before, but for those who don't I thought this would be a good introductory song! This was the début of Momone Momo's triphonic voicebank, and I think it might be the first triphonic Utau song, period, but I'm too lazy to double-check. Momo's voice is super pretty in this one, and the English parts of the lyrics are well sung and easily understandable. The song itself is pretty, simple and soothing but nothing special, the voice is the main draw. Also worth noting: this is a cover of a Defoko song, the original is over here, and it's pretty good too, though I find Defoko's song a little too whispery and over-edited with echo effect in the original.


Rock song with occasional violin! The guitar sections are a little 'hard' for my tastes, but the violin and occasional lulls in the distorted guitar riffs combined with Ritsu's voice make this song more than listenable. Ritsu's voice is also excellent in this tune, especially considering he's singing pretty high up in his range. Also, despite Rin being in the picture, this isn't really a true Vocaloid and Utau duet, Rin is just singing back up, going 'aaah' musically during some of the violin parts.

【波音リツ&鏡音リン】 紅と瑠璃 【-オリジナル-】

This is an actual Rin and Ritsu duet! Starts out with some amazing piano, and some pretty good spoken word considering Vocaloids and Utau aren't usually too good at that. The piece continues in an orchestral vein, and Rin and Ritsu's singing is very good, both the parts where they're singing simultaneously and separately.

【唄音ウタ】 ハイライト 【オリジナル】

I wish I knew electronic genres better... I'm not sure this is upbeat enough to be considered techno? In any case, a song that plays to Defoko's strengths, electronic sounding enough that her synthesized voice doesn't sound out of place at all and song very nice piano backing and a good beat.


An atmospheric track from Defoko. It's very smooth, almost something that you could fall asleep to... Which in this case, isn't a bad thing. It picks up a little after about a minute and a half, but still retains that very whispery atmosphere. The only flaw in this song is that Defoko's voice is a little choppy on pronunciation, a pretty common problem with Utau, especially if the voicebank is the original and not updated with triphonic/diphonic sylables, but in this case, it's minor, not really enough to detract from the song.


I'll admit it, this one's mostly here for its PV and story, not the music. The song itself is mostly atmospheric with some static and spoken word when it's called for. There's a translated version up on youtube as well, over here, for anyone interested in what the hell is going in the video, other than Defoko on a park bench and in a black void.

【波音リツ】 Theme of Gentlemen 【UTAU】

UTAUjazz! My personal bias, but it has brass instruments and a swing sound, so I couldn't resist. Unfortunately, Ritsu squeaks terribly for the first minute, and then has twenty seconds where his voice is tuned lower and sounds excellent, and then they crank him back up high, though it's not as bad for the rest of the song. Still, it's worth a listen.


This sounds like boss battle music to me. Even the right amount of tinniness to the sound of the rock to give that old system feel! For those curious, the Utau singers for this are Kasane Teto, Ginga Subaru, and Suiga Sora.


More UTAUjazz! And Momo's voice is pretty bad in this one, with the typical UTAU flaw of the syllables sounding too disconnected so she sounds very choppy. But it has an okay PV and the music itself isn't bad... Really, someone should redo this song with her updated voicebank and it'd be good.


To make up for the last song, have another Momo song with a very smooth sounding voice. The song is pretty traditional Eastern sounding and is fairly minimalistic, with chimes and a little bit of beat providing a backing for Momo's voice.

THERE WOULD BE MORE MUSIC except my computer died and wiped out my bookmarks. On the other hand, had my computer not died, this post still probably wouldn't have been written as I would have kept on stock-piling them having no particular motivation on when to post but now that's happen it seemed urgent! As if that were I to not post, I would never get the opportunity to post. So instead have a short post and next time I'll have more music, and songs sung by Utau that are not Defoko, Ritsu, or Momo.

utau: ginga subaru, utau: defoko, utau: kasane teto, utau: momone momo, vocaloid: kagamine rin, utau: namine ritsu, utau: suiga sora, linkdump

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