Nov 08, 2009 04:34

I hope you realise that, by posting this, I am having to take some serious time out of my busy schedule of being both addicted to Dragon Age and really ill. I know, I know - it's a hard life, but someone's got to do it.

Lots of great videos this week but also quite a few I didn't like. Those cut from this post include Black, Colourless World and Diary, which were all high-rankers but tracks I just couldn't get my teeth into, usually because of wonky mixing where the voices got lost. Maybe I'm just a dirty elitist. ... I also dropped Holy Nite because it kind of terrifies me. MOVING ON.

Today's songs are overwhelmingly in favour of sad robots in various states of being.

【初音ミク(40㍍)】 キミボシ 【オリジナル】

(Kimiboshi, Miku, Sad Miku In Snow)
Songs like this are pretty much why I will forever be a bitch to this fandom. Yet another EXIT TUNES track, you'd expect it to be good and you'd be right - soft and gorgeous acoustic guitar and piano accompanies a very well-done track with triumphant highs and crescendos.

[初音ミク] ダミーダミー [オリジナル曲]

(Dummy Dummy, Miku, Rock, Sad Miku In Microwave, Apparently)
Deco*27 yet again with another great track - a superb intro leads to thumping drums and a neatly wobbly guitar. The only gripe I have is that my headphones hate this track, wailing and scratching like mad.


(Gardenia Flower, Miku, ???, Sad Miku In Flower Garden)
This may not be your cup of tea - somewhat muted, with a very high and often nigh-on incomprehensible Miku, and with a lot of record-scratching in the background, it sounds more like something out of Katamari Damacy than from your normal Nicovideo stock tunes. This video really took me, however; something about it makes it sound really cool.

【巡音ルカオリジ】 re_Cycle 【コラボ・PV付き】

(re_Cycle, Luka, Angst, Sad Luka In Maid Outfit)
Arriving perhaps a day late for Halloween, this is a seriously slick soft-and-gentle-and-terrifying Luka song with pianos and bells and mindfuckery nightmares in the only slightly incomprehensible PV. Fantastically put together, it's a treat to listen to. Anyone want to confirm if Luka's actually singing a real language or if someone just made up something seriously Baltic-sounding?


(Babel, Rin, Rock, Sad and Angry Rin In Lightning Storm)
Included mostly to try to stem the tide of Miku, this is an angry thrashy track from Rin - who, now that I think about it, tends to get a lot of these. Are the twins inherently angry? - while her voice sounds a little off the track itself is a decent stomper, and if you're the sort to dislike Miku (FLOOR) it's a change of pace.


(Why?, Len, Jazzy Rock, Sad Len In SERIOUS GODDAMN DENIAL)
Look, uh, do yourself a favour - make sure you're not eating when you load up this video, because it will terrify and confuse you. Putting the whole issue of the freaky-ass video and TERRIFYING premise aside, though, I have to admit this is a really smooth track, with jazzy crooning backup singers and some lovely riffs.

初音ミク 「ナイトメア☆パーティーナイト」

(Nightmare Party Night, Miku, Traditional Japanese Happy Hardcore...?, Sad Miku In Kimono)
This is seriously late, I know, as it appeared on last week's ranking. But bah - if I cared about being late I'd go get some work ethic. I can't really explain this song any better than my quicky synopsis above - a very Japanese Festival-style background is overlaid with pumping beats and synth chords at a rapid pace, which makes for an, uh, interesting combination.

Sing my Love 歌ってみた【みーむ】

(Sing My Love (miimu), Fandub, Pop, COMBO BREAKER)
Purely included for my own benefit, I freely admit to being infatuated with this song, which cropped up a few updates back. A fantastic cover by miimu is basically the icing on the cake.

初音ミク 「DREAMA」

(DREAMA, Miku, Dance-y Pop, Sad Miku In Stick Figure Form)
Though I'm not exactly sure what's going on in this video, I cannot deny that it looks really cool, like Meltdown smacked straight into Max Headroom or something with adorable stick figures. The track itself is boppy and almost symphonic, with great piano solos and violin whines in the background.

【初音ミク】 目の前に君 【オリジナル】

(You're Before My Eyes, Miku, Soft Pop, Kind of Sad Miku In Wireframe)
This is another track that skims very close to trance. It's a pleasant listen, and has some really nice segments. While it's nothing tremendously special, it's mostly included here because I need opinions - just what the hell is that donkey/giraffe thing doing back there? Humping a ponytail?

「カナリア」 retake song by 初音ミク【baker+古川本舗】

(Canary (retake song), Miku, ???, Sepiatone, Sad Miku In Sepia)
Super-weird, this one. I don't quite know what to make of the song, which is entertaining enough if a tad slow, but the video is either seriously annoying or seriously cool and I can't quite figure out which. Done entirely in sepiatone and old filmstock, it reminds me far too much of animated Monty Python segments for me to exactly associate it with singing robots.

【初音ミク】 DIARRHEA 【オリジナル】

(DIARRHEA, Miku? Zatsune? It's not exactly clear, Emo Metal, Sad Zatsune in ... the toilet? I guess? Why would you even name a track that anyway?)
I'm not usually one to enjoy this exact genre, but I have to admit this PV won me over. This comes out slick and fast and will leave you gasping--

No, okay, I refuse to take that line of jokes any further.

Alongside some very impressive visualisation is a (perhaps unintentionally) hilarious track with some (probably unintentionally) fantastic j-rapping from what sounds like an insanely distorted Len in some serious need of a cough drop.

singer: miimu, vocaloid: kagamine len, vocaloid: megurine luka, sad linkdump in comm, vocaloid: hatsune miku, p: deco*27, vocaloid: kagamine rin, linkdump

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