The Managing Editor of the daily paper is a Moron, that's right capital M. Was he the only applicant for the position? Have some dirt on the owner? Because I have to tell you, he doesn't even come a stone's throw close to being pretty. He has at least one spelling and/or grammar error every day in his articles and Letter to the Editor column. He continually confuses your and you're, its and it's, accept and except, affect and effect, and their, there, and they're. And my biggest pet peeve literally and figuratively.
A local doc went to Darfur with Doctors Without Borders. The article said: at one point he was figuratively holding a woman's hart in his hand.
Really? Because as a surgeon, I have to tell you, that I'm pretty sure that he was *LITERALLY* holding her *HEART* in his hand
God forbid he needs to say something along the lines of 'It's a shame their dog ran into your yard.' Because what you will get is 'Its a shame there dog ran into your yard.'
Today's winner in the grammar dept (in regards to a person's name being published in the paper regarding criminal behavior)?
From my viewpoint, if a persons behavior is a threat to anyone else around them, the public has a right to now. And if your an adult, don't bother calling. If you get busted, regardless of the charge, your going in. If you don't want to be in the paper, don't get busted - pretty simple.
And people wonder why our nation is going to hell in a handbasket.