First of all? Fandom!
Did you see Baltimore? AWESOME.
Even better, Twitter. Last night Steve Binder live tweeted during the episode for both East and West coast.
On the twitter note, I've been tweeting my fingers off working really, really, REALLY hard at getting P2P to take me on as an apprentice. AND I THINK I GOT THE JOB!! Last night he dedicated a song to me - Shoot All The Clowns by Bruce Dickinson - which is such an awesome song and so appropriate for me. He also talked about my duties such as proficiency with a knife and scalpel, needing to be able to use a firearm but not as my primary tool, using poisons, and said he will teach me a 'hands on' approach. Then we discussed me taking on side jobs as an independent contractor when I finish my training -
silvertales gets the first one because she has faith in me -
Then he mentioned something about setting up shop with advertising flyers and everything!! *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*
Twitter silliness was a blast last night and I truly thank everyone who participated especially P2P, Steve Binder, and Jesse Stern. Brian Dietzen was kind enough to tweet birthday greetings to
taylorgibbs and Pauley was there too.
Now, real life *BAH*. Begin rant:
Apparently *someone* in their infinite wisdom decided I did not have enough to do and moved my monthly deadline from the 15th to the 13th.
While that may not seem like a big deal, it really is. Most of the bank statements do not come in until the 2nd week of the month - there are over 300 to be reconciled with more added every day. Posting is not generally finished until the first full week - I still have at least 2 vouchers to write up, give to the AS for approval, then post. After that the data from the PM system must be analyzed and balanced with the data entered into the Acct system. Once that is all finished, THEN I can begin to start the reports.
After years of actually slaying a forest or two, 2 years ago we started exporting the reports; first to Excel individually then to PDF in batches. Now, it has been decided that the batches are a no go and they want them individually again. When I was printing them out I commandeered the main copier/printer for an entire day. When it got switched to Excel, it still took a day because I had to format each report bc tPTB did not like the format that was automatically sent to Excel. Once we did the PDF thing, there was no choice how it was formatted.
March reports exported in portrait not landscape and they are not amused. I have no idea how to fix them. When I rerun a couple test reports this morning, in the Acctg software they were in landscape but in the export process it somehow gets switched so that they are portrait in Adobe. BUT ONLY FOR MARCH. COO gets the same results so, no , it isn't operator error.
I'll be taking over some of the secretary's duties as needed.
The secretary at our office does not do normal secretarial duties, mostly she is a receptionist. She does get the phone (sometimes) but her main job is to assist in AP and type up the board meeting notes. She does nto type any outgoing letters, those are done by the CEO, VP, and COO themselves.
I already am answering the phones, going to the bank, and getting/taking mail at least twice a month. Now if she actually needed the help I would have no problem. However. She doesn't. She spends an inordinate amount of time fucking around, flitting from desk to desk chatting people up all day all the while complaining that she has so much work to do. My answer is to sit the fuck down and do it instead of telling EVERYONE in the office about it. She comes in late, leaves early at least once a week if not more.
She comes in, chats everyone up about her evening/weekend - works a little - goes to PO - opens the mail - HAND DELIVERS the mail even though each person has an mail slot (I'm just going on record here to say that when I get the mail I make a pile for the PM department and deliver to AP, AS, COO and CEO because they are all on the way down the hall to my office) - chats everyone up abit about their plans for lunch - works a bit more - goes to lunch, generally 45mins - comes back, & chats more about what she did/ate on her lunch break - works a bit - goes home early for some reason or another. All told I'm willing to bet that they get *maybe* a solid 4 hours out of her.
Now, I by not means am perfect, obviously because I cannot spell today. I am right along with her in the not getting to work before 0810-0815. I often use downtime to surf the net, tweet, lj, fb, and on occasion ebay during the day. However, when I get to work I sit the hell down at my desk and do not leave again until my work is done. I am here late most every night and am often locking the doors behind me.
I have NEVER failed to finish my work on time, or slightly ahead of time. If I know that there is something special going on, I come in early. This happens about once a solstice or so, so hitting the office at 0600 or 0700 isn't a hardship. I am regularly helping AP out with the mailings of payments because of the secretary's screwing around.
And do I get a 'thank you'? NO!
And also? Someone put *GLITTER* in my keyboard.
/rant... for now.