Another gem that has Gibbs written all over it... *gigglesnort*
(I am a customer entering the store. I hear a loud scraping sound. I turn and notice a lady in a minivan trying to drive right over the median barrier in the road. She is trying to get into the drive-thru from the wrong direction. She gets stuck and keeps trying to drive through. I walk into the store to tell the cashier what is happening, but he stops us.)
Cashier: “Sorry, miss. It’ll be a few minutes until we can take your order. It seems as if someone has tried to drive over the median.”
Me: “It’s alright. I saw it happen. I was just about to tell you guys.”
Cashier: “This happens a lot. I think it must be people who really need coffee.”
(Just as she says that, the minivan drives up and parks. The lady rushes through the doors, and starts announcing loudly.)
Lady: “I need coffee. NOW!”
Always remember rule 23: Never get between a Marine and his coffee...