May 05, 2004 15:49
Woot, first off, Justin is the bestest cause he burned me 5, yes... 5!!!! Tool CDs... WOOT WOOT!!! I must say though, the strings one is soooo cool @_@
But yeah, onto the events of yesterday!!!
So yeah, somethings I forgot about happened cause I replaced the memories with what happened later... heh...
So Hiedi comes over on my bus so we can... "work" and stuffs but we didnt so yeah. Then Caitlyn comes oevr cause shes part f our group so it made sense. Cept we didnt do anything. But yeah, were hanging out and Hiedi wants to stay the night so Im like aiight and her parents said ok and stuff so we just had to get her home to pick up clothes and shit. Well after talking to my mom and Nathan we were pretty much on our way. Well turns out I wasnt payin attention to my mom after she told me what I needed to hear, I was spose to call her before we left so yeah that fucked us up! I said to Nathan after we stopped at Hiedis that we needed to get to Dales so we could pick up money so we could get foods. Uh huh, all I knew of Dales house was that it was near Farmers Lane and Im the only one with the SLIGHTEST clue as of to where it is, and thats still... no clue basically. But yeah, so us girlies stuck our heads out the window screaming "Wheres Farmers LAne?" to everyone and we followed their fingers. We got there and I managed to direct us (after multiple circles and U-turns) to the house. Well, we get there and!!!! Theres a note to me from my mom on the door. BITCH! Well yeah, the door is locked, I am fuckin pissed as all hell... so I went to get in the jeep and Caitlyn wouldnt get out of the front seat which shed had the whooole time and I just started walking down the street. Not so much cause I was mad but cause I needed a phone. Turns out that as we were driving to Dales, Dale and mom were coming here... -_- ::sigh:: so I thought... hey, Dale has a backyard... >:) So Dee climbed the fence let us in and I opened the glass door cause it was locked. Well I get in, call mom at mi casa, and get yelled at for not listening right... woops... then Dale realizes I snuck into his house, that was quite hilarious^^ And yeah, they started on their way over. During the time it took them I managed to steal a candle, pocket knife, rummage through JDs shit, and look at a porno. Um... yeeeah. I also managed a few bites of icecream and yeah, cant forget when Dee and I were showin off our underwear and she fucking pulled my g-string waaaay further up than its spose to go.. so yeah, after a while they got here and my mom... put a $100 dollar bill in my hand... *splooge* and then said I could only have $20 of it... X_X BITCH! Oh well... so yeah, then we start off for CCs house after my mom convinced hers to let her stay the night and well... thats when hell erupted. I dont know how but we managed to go in a circle and THEN get lost beyond all hopes. We at smoe point went the opposite direction of our destination on highway 12 and I said were goin the wrong way but CC said that she knew the place etc etc so we ended up having to turn around after the road bagen to look like NOTHINGNESS and because I convinced NAthan... So we end up going the other direction and then we ended up in a circle and going down that highway agaon cause CC said "This is right, I know where we are" and yeah, maybe she knew, but it wasnt anywhere NEAR her house!!! So we stopped at a gas station on 12 way further than how far we went the last time... and we look at a map, I break the hundred, I get some donuts, and the guy says were on 80.... no hun. And he says our destination is in the direction WE WERE COMING FROM which was right at least. So we go back. AGAIN!!! Well we go to Bradley Vid once we hit a slightly familiar area and we get directios. Ah, I love the chick that helped us. We wound up at Caitlyns house at some point but she was so pissed that I told ehr to stop talking cause she was wrong and Dee was right that she decided not to stay the night. One less mouth I had to feed, which was good seeing as how Dee and I had a total of $11 at BK just by ourselves... So we got home and just fiddled a while, ate and got online, told my mom the story and stuff, and we neevr did our english HW which was the entire point of it all!! But oh well. We had our fun cept Caitlyns attitude of taking everything up the ass had all of our panties in a bundle.
And now Caitlyn has the fuckin mind to block me cause she got grounded for 2 months cause of her attitude. She went home pissed, she could have calmed down, she wasnt spose to stay home, she was still welcome over, and not only was she home after my mom had to convince and lie to her mom, but she was home late. So she only has herself to blame. Stayed with me and you prolly couldve avoided this, had you actually shut up like I said to, you wouldnt have even been late, either! WOW!
But anyways... on to other things like how I lost Squanto in my second period. I dont know how I could lose him in my friggen class but I did and Im all upset and stuff. First Caitlyn is totally rude to me today so I just ignored her, then I lose Squanto, my only comfort aside from Handsome Rob, and now I cant go anywhere after my mom bitching me out last night and my lacking of cleaning the house. Im probably grounded most the week. And then after that, Im just going to isolate myself anyways. Im not feelin too peachy lately... I just could sit here and cry and wallow in my teenage sorrows... and Im hurting really bad, emotionally and physically cause I fucking suck. If I could stomache the alchohol Id get drunk. I would love to ignore my pains and celebrate cinco de mayo, like a real beaner. But yeah. I think Ill go in a few minutes and call Kevin. Theres no one else to talk to about my problems right now and all I need is someone to listen. Although a shoulder to sleep on would be better.. but no one is around but MAYBE my cats... grrr, Im alone!!! Noooo :'(
So Im going to stop bithcing about all my problems and go now.