Sunrise and Still

Nov 04, 2008 07:51

So here I am, on the Regional 141 to DC, going hundreds of miles and back today, 12 hours on a train, just to see folks, get some bubble tea and vote in a swing state. I could stay overnight I suppose but I have class in the morning.

My parents have tickets to the Obama rally but neither of them will be in town. They're non-transferable but if anyone thinks they could make them work they're welcome to them.

My life is like a movie these days, and I'm really getting sick of the shaky first-person perspective and the overindulgent flourishes. The train ride through autumn in New England at daybreak is acceptable.

Also free coffee from Starbucks, free donuts from Krispee Kream and free ice cream from Ben & Jerry's to those who vote today.
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