Good News, Bad News

Jun 29, 2009 12:54

So I was eating with a lab mate yesterday evening around eight and due to a recent emergency and the sudden darkness of the restaurant upon reentry I didn't notice that they had brought me a flour tortilla taco set instead of the corn I'd asked for when I ordered my meal. I even got a few bites in, since I was feeling weird and they were gritty like corn tortillas. The woman was curt in fixing the problem and I was tempted to inform her that HER mistake would mean a few hours of misery for me in the early morning hours.
Thing is I did feel it a few hours later but it was not that bad, nothing really, when compared to what it should have been. Now I know that it has crossed my mind lately that I may still be glutened since I've suddenly been eating a lot (as I do when I want my stomach not to hurt) and I've put on a lot of weight and even more recently my head has felt funny and my glands have been swollen. The mess of it is that I've only been eating "gkuten free" food with maybe a little cross contam when I eat out. There's no reason I should be like this again. But it explains everything.
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