"Life Born of Fire" -- made of awesome, or made of awesome?
Seriously, guys, if you think you might have the slightest interest in watching Inspector Lewis, you should watch this one. Especially if you're a slasher. Or a fan of angst, in general. My fellow Americans, your local PBS station is showing it this Sunday at 9 p.m., under the Masterpiece Mystery name.
(There will be approximately ten minutes hacked out of it, but I bet you anything it's the gardening subplot, which is fun but not plot-crucial.)
Me, of course, I got the DVDs in the mail yesterday and couldn't wait.
Actually, this episode the key language is Greek. Maybe that's better.
Negative points: evil trans killer! Oh noes! (I mean, really, it's framed as more of "evil religion made this guy make his boyfriend get a sex change in Brazil," so I guess then it's the religion's fault, right? I'm really not sure how, if you think homosexuality is immoral from some kind of Christian perspective, how being trans would be any better. But what do I know?)
I don't watch that many mysteries with
lysimache, and she is very, very good at guessing. Which is, you know, cool, and a skill I am in awe of, but she guesses early and audibly. So I think I had the "Zoe = Feardorcha" thing spoiled half an hour in.
Also, poor angsty ambiguously-gay Hathaway. La la la his friend came out to him and he told him to go to evil brainwashing Christian group la la la and that's why Hathaway left the priesthood. Oh, the angstcakes.
Am amused by Hathaway's entirely indirect answer to Lewis asking if he's gay. I'm still not really sure what that scene at the end with the magazine and the candy bar was supposed to mean. Was that just a not-funny I'M STRAIGHT I'M STRAIGHT? I don't get it.
The plot ended up being actually rather angstily dramatic. Oh noes! Poor kidnapped Hathaway! Oh noes! Fire! Yeah, they definitely did the fire theme here, didn't they?
I think generally it was really well done; I see why this is fandom's favorite episode.
Watch it! You know you wanna!
The actual DVDs are a little weird. I got the Series 1-3 box set, and I figured they'd just stick the individual series sets in a sleeve, but no. It's a fold-out cardboard box containing two large DVD cases ("Part One" and "Part Two") in which six DVDs each have been crammed in one of those annoying case styles where half the discs sit atop the other half. Hmm.
And, yay, there are subtitles on them. Which is nice. (I am not hard of hearing, but sometimes the TV is hard to hear, especially in accents that are not mine, and if the subtitles are on we can keep the volume down.)
Also, my region-free DVD player does not support anamorphic widescreen. Everyone's a little tall and skinny. Bah.