I know, I know, this was last Friday's episode. Well, I only watched it today. Deal.
The plot: The Rossum Corporation (eeeeevil) has a drug escape and spread through a college campus. The first guy killed himself. Everyone else just gets high and laughs a lot. Actives, who are supposedly immune, go in to clean up. Echo, who is off on assignment tying up her hired boyfriend from a couple eps ago, sees news report and runs off to the college, leaving boyfriend tied up.
Fun-filled flashback time: When she was Caroline, she wanted to stop the animal testing in Rossum's lab, so she broke in with her boyfriend at the time, they saw creepy things, he got shot on the way out. And then she joined the Dollhouse. Somehow. I guess.
The drug infects the Dollhouse, specifically Topher and whatsherface the British woman, who spend the episode giggling a lot and having the munchies and yet somehow doing their job to a reasonable degree of coherence, unlike whatshisface who shot Echo and left her to die in a fire who spends his drug trip petting his suit and saying it is soft. And oh noes! The drug infects Actives, too, who just have flashbacks, like the above one.
(I am having a hard time remembering the characters' names. This should not still be a problem by episode seven.)
And Ballard and Mellie break up. Oh noes.
Clearly they're going the Trek route of encountering a weird new drug that makes people disinhibited so that we, the viewer, can be amused. But it really wasn't that funny. It was really just kind of stupid.
There were a few scenes that just made me go "huh?" Like when Ballard and Mellie are in the kitchen having their tense relationship conversation, and he's making scrambled eggs, and she starts by telling him to take them off, they're done -- and he just takes the whole skillet off the flame? I spent the whole conversation thinking "But his eggs are continuing to cook in the pan and will be ruined, since the conversation is going on far too long!" It was distracting.
Also, when Echo wandered off to campus and the Dollhouse all figured that her client just wanted her to play college -- couldn't he have called and told them she wandered off? Sure, yeah, yeah, he was tied to the bed. With really long ropes, or at least ones that seemed to have a fair amount of slack. He could *totally* have moved his arms close enough to reach his own wrists or possibly to whatever the other ends were tied to, couldn't he? Possibly I am not supposed to be nitpicking this much.
The dialogue seemed slightly less egregiously witty than last episode, but I get the feeling we were supposed to be somehow impressed by the reveal of Echo's past. And so far, guys, it's kind of boring. And I'm still not clear on why she joined.
Nonetheless, I cannot seem to stop watching.