BSG, season 3 finished.

Mar 26, 2008 21:20

I have the urge to listen to "All Along the Watchtower" now. Bwahaha. I should probably get a copy of some more famous version (Hendrix, yeah, but didn't Bob Dylan write it?) 'cause I only have the Paperboys, and it's a bit odd and Celtic-rock-y.

Did I mention I've just now caught up on BSG? On the one hand, I wish I'd seen it earlier. On the other hand, the wait for S4 is much shorter now.

Also, I want Fan Bonus Points for identifying Badger (badger badger badger mushroom) from Firefly.


So "All Along the Watchtower" makes you a Cylon, huh? So I guess Tyrol's baby is a special half-Cylon now too. And Tigh and Anders sure feel stupid. Not sure I even know the president's aide's name.

lysimache and I disagree on the identity of the final Cylon. Jen feels it is clearly Starbuck, on account of her coming back from the dead. I feel that, seeing as Starbuck came back in her also-exploded ship, something else is going on here, and it's not that her ship is a Cylon too.

I'm not sure who I suspect. Baltar's got the weird Cylon visions, of course. And Roslin got Cylon TV while the four of the Final Five (hope you filled out your Cylon bracket!) got Cylon Radio, so maybe there's something -- everyone else in her visions was either whole or half-Cylon. But then why would Hera's miracle blood have cured her?

Maybe I should rewatch that S1 episode and see who was passing Baltar's Cylon test. If it even works. I think really anyone's possible. Except Helo, because then Hera would not be half-Cylon.

More random comments: the trial was kind of hilarious in that they appeared to have absolutely no rules. It seemed that they could do any sort of "improper" thing as long as one of the jurors thought it would be cool, e.g. Apollo testifying.

Fandom Secrets spoiled me a couple weeks ago for Starbuck's death, so I had to spoil myself more to find out she came back. I'm kind of mad. I think I'm more mad that they had to kill Kat off to show us she was sorry about having lied her way into the fleet. I miss Kat. Also this presents severe difficulties in my plan to support Starbuck/Kat, who were totally slashyhot. (Wasn't "Scar" awesome?) Sigh.

Other than that, hmm. I quite liked "The Woman King," which I gather was not one of fandom's favorites, but it was cool. It had a plot! A real plot, with a beginning and an end! And it was sort of a neat mystery. Plus, Helo appears to be the only person with a conscience in the whole show. Everyone else is all "Gee, should we use this virus to kill all the Cylons? Let's think. Hey, sure, why not?" (Okay, Tyrol's got morals too. But I guess he's also a Cylon now.)

I want more BSG. Maybe I should rewatch some of last season.

I also think there should be a Starbuck vid to "Not a Pretty Girl." lysimache has convinced me of this. Wouldn't that be awesome?

fandom: battlestar galactica, reviews, vidding, tv

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