Clarissa Explains It All, I have discovered from the DVD set, is actually still rather watchable. I was worried it wouldn't have aged well. It's fun. I think I've seen most of these episodes. I always thought Clarissa was so cool; I wanted to be her or be friends with her. (It's hard to tell, sometimes, yeah?) Her room was so neat; she had a TMBG Flood poster on her wall. How much cooler can you get?
Sadly, I still think she had some pretty spiffy clothing. I know it's all left over from the 80s, but I thought it was so cool. The leggings! The funky shirts! The large earrings! The headbands! I really wanted to dress like that in middle school. I only ever stopped wearing leggings in high school. My mother bought me a new jacket every year or two, whenever the old one wore out. When I got a new jacket in 7th grade, I wanted (and got) the one that was a patchwork of lots of different brightly-colored and patterned fabric scraps, with gold trim. Perhaps this is why I had no friends until high school.
Speaking of high school, I felt like playing a computer game (as I did in high school), and decided I wanted to play a roguelike. So I downloaded the latest version of
NetHack yesterday, and so far have died stupidly three or four times. I've never been very good at it, alas. I tend to do stupid things. Like try on everything to see if it's cursed, eat everything, attack all monsters, and drink from fountains. I generally last only a couple of levels.
Perhaps I'd be better with a less random, more plotty roguelike. I've seen people on my friends list (possibly
isabeau?) reccing ADOM, but that doesn't appear to have a Mac port yet. I used to like Omega a lot, but there don't seem to have been any new versions since I was playing it way back when. And the only Angband I liked, PernBand, appears to be unavailable due to Anne McCaffrey's team of lawyers. Boo.