Not having class today, I decided to go downtown, mostly because I wanted pizza. Which I got. Mmm, pizza.
I also ended up with copies of Girlfriends and Curve, which I was quite afraid of buying because I was worried I wouldn't be gay enough or something. I skulked around the magazine section of Bookshop Santa Cruz for a while before getting up the nerve to buy them, after establishing that no one particularly cared what magazines anyone else was looking at. And I guess I am gay enough, 'cause no one said anything.
I also got the omnibus edition of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Renunciates books, part of the Darkover series. I think this is the first time I've ever paid full price for a Darkover book -- the ten or so others I have I got for about $1 each from the used bookstore that I used to walk by on my way home from high school. I'd had the first two Renunciates books in an omnibus edition, but I had no idea there was a third one. Wheee, fantasy novels. I managed to resist buying the Legends II collection even if it did have Hobb and Gaiman and McCaffrey stories, because, hey, expensive hardcover. However, waaaaaaant.
I also got a thingy each for
eruthros and
antigone921, whom I will hopefully be seeing sometime this week, like tomorrow. Yay, things.
I should write abstract. Bleh.