My shortest review ever!
Ewww, I did not need to see shirtless Clark. I really really didn't. Nor Lionel. Dream!Lana had messy hair and too much eyeliner. (Giuliana called this as dream within about thirty seconds.)
Speaking of which, whose brilliant idea was it to use REM in an episode about dreams? Ha ha.
Also, this is totally like that S1 Buffy episode "Nightmares." Sort of mostly. Just saying.
Ewww there's a woman with a six-inch piece of glass sticking out of her eye and please could they please show something else? Every time I tried to look away from it I'd misjudge and she'd still be onscreen when I looked back and there'd be a closeup on her and ick. Oog. I just have a thing about eye injuries. Now I am nauseated.
(Yes, I *know* they warned me, but pretty much all the other violence they did is of the sort that just makes me say "eww" briefly. I can handle that. I was expecting that. Not eye injuries. They didn't warn for eye injuries, dude. I feel really sick to my stomach.)
But, aww, Angel liked Spike's poetry.
Can I go lie down now?