I'm used to being a lurker. I'm on maybe fifteen mailing lists, all fandom-related, and I can count on one hand the number of posts I have made to all of them *combined*.
I decided to make songvids for the following reason: I wanted to watch a songvid that had the knife-licking from Hard Core Logo paired with the line "I want to be your blowjob queen" from Pansy Division's cover of "Flower," and nobody else would make it. So I had to make it myself, if I wanted to watch it. So I did. It wasn't the best thing ever, but it was fun and I liked it. And then I made another. And now I've made another.
But I still think of myself as a lurker. I don't know how many vids I need to make before I start thinking of myself as a vidder, but obviously it's more than three. And now I've started getting feedback email from people I don't know who found my vids, and people on LJ I don't know, and one person has been inspired to write a story about "Sorry." This is weird. I'm a lurker. People don't seek me out.People don't email me. At least, they haven't before. This is weird. Good, but weird.
I've been trying convince myself for the past two days that I should make a vid announcement to the
vidder list, and so far I haven't managed to work up the nerve to. Because, hey, I'm just a lurker.